Wednesday. December 1
This morning Fehn went around asking everyone if they knew where his hat was. Of course, no one knew. Guess he found it this noon. Last night he went down to Cumming’s and borrowed one of Prof.’s. hats so he could go to supper. Heap big joke. Studied two hours on my Latin tonight. Got 93 in the History test.
Went to church tonight. Mr. Loury preached a good sermon. I got little talks from Nancy E. and Mrs. E. They wanted me to go up front. I just couldn’t go. Miss Gantt made me stay because we whispered and Mr. Fehn got after me in geom. cause I laughed. Wish Jean were here.
Went to church. Didn’t have my Latin at all. I failed for the first time this year. Too bad, but she gave us such a long lesson. Had a circus today. Miss Gantt came down after Felix when Floyd H. nearly kicked him out of his seat and asked Ix what he had of Floyd’s. Of course he didn’t have a thing and it was too comical for any use. I couldn’t help but laugh and then she got after me. It wasn’t quite so funny then.
Went to church this p.m. Mrs. Moody came down after us girls, and we laughed. I am heartily ashamed to myself. We apoligized(sic) to her afterwards. I wasn’t laughing at her anyway. The J.U.G. Club met at Krouse’s tonight. Was over to Kits a few minutes.
5 & 6
Went to S.S. and Epworth League. Was over to Frenches and got my Caesar this p.m. Feel just horrid. Wish I would see Miss McAllister. She is going to resign Christmas and teach near home. Won’t that be just fine for her. I am awfully glad for her sake. Went to church tonight. Mr. Lowry preached a fine temperance lecture. Miss Gantt was there and she smiled at me! Mrs. Moody had a meeting for the H.S. girls this p.m.
Went to church. Subject: “The Prodigal Son”. Very good sermon. Blanche was down for supper. Worked after school until 6:00. Mr. Fehn, Myrtle and I had a great discussion on card playing. We certainly don’t agree.
Sadie was out of school all day long. Went to Mrs. Moody’s meeting for H.S. girls. Sat by Cad and Jean. Went to church tonight. Mr. Lowry preached a splendid sermon. Mrs. Moody, Gladys Green and Mrs. Fleckman came after me.
9 & 10
Test in geom. and one in Caesar. Mr. Fehn made Jean and me stay. Dear Miss Bartholomew! I do love her. She is so different then I tho’t she was. She, Jean and I had a heart to heart talk tonight and I know she is a Christian and I want to be with all my heart and soul and I will – will too. I want my Jean to be one too. I don’t know th’o, everything seems so confused. Guess I’ll go to church tonight and maybe I can get the tangle straightened out. Miss Gantt and I went up tonight. Jean wouldn’t go.
Was sick in bed this morning. Jean was down for dinner. She and I went down and talked to Mrs. Cummings. Went to church this p.m. Gladys G. is going to stay all night with Sadie. Wish Jean were here.
Went to S.S. This p.m. Jean and I went sleigh riding. Miss Sweet is here. Was down to Wallace’s for supper. Had a fine time. Went to church with Jean, Miss G., and Miss Sweet. Miss G. talked to Jean, but she wouldn’t go. Helen and Dorothy V. went
Nothing doing. Miss Gantt found a leaf *out of a pony on Ole’s chair. Wish she would find them all. She asked those who had them to go tell her about it, but I know none of them will. Was over to Aunt Livas. Stayed home tonight and studied.
Was over to Frenches after school. Miss G. took every kid separately and asked them if they had used ponies. She said she didn’t think it necessary to ask me if I did. I am glad she trusts me. Didn’t go to church, too much work to do at home.
Arose at the unearthly hour of 4:30 and studied. Was sleepy all day long. Am awfully tired. Went to church. Had to say after school for Mr. Fehn. We are going to use the tabernacle for a gym. Won’t that be fine. The girls will have it two days out of the week.
Went to church. Mr. Lowry preached a fine sermon. Miss Gantt came and put her arms around me and said “We must get Jean, Honey.” And I should say we must. I don’t know when I ever wanted anything so much. Oh I hope she will understand and know what she ought to do and then go ahead and do it.
Program this p.m. Pretty fair. Jean and I had to stay for Mr. Fehn again. We had a meeting this p.m. The H.S. girls are going to organize a Y.W.C.A. I am awfully glad. Hope it is a success. Mamma was sick so didn’t go to church.
Jean was down for a little while. She went over to Frenches to talk to Mr. Fehn. Went to church tonight. Jean said she just couldn’t go up. I understand and I know I could never have gone with anyone, but Miss Gantt. Dear old Miss Gantt, I love her better everyday. She held me so close to.
Grandma’s diary ends December 18th. The rest of the pages were torn out. Perhaps they contained the entries she spoke of on and September 26.
Signed, Gini Norgard, transcriber.