Saturday, December 1, 2007


Wednesday. December 1

This morning Fehn went around asking everyone if they knew where his hat was. Of course, no one knew. Guess he found it this noon. Last night he went down to Cumming’s and borrowed one of Prof.’s. hats so he could go to supper. Heap big joke. Studied two hours on my Latin tonight. Got 93 in the History test.


Went to church tonight. Mr. Loury preached a good sermon. I got little talks from Nancy E. and Mrs. E. They wanted me to go up front. I just couldn’t go. Miss Gantt made me stay because we whispered and Mr. Fehn got after me in geom. cause I laughed. Wish Jean were here.


Went to church. Didn’t have my Latin at all. I failed for the first time this year. Too bad, but she gave us such a long lesson. Had a circus today. Miss Gantt came down after Felix when Floyd H. nearly kicked him out of his seat and asked Ix what he had of Floyd’s. Of course he didn’t have a thing and it was too comical for any use. I couldn’t help but laugh and then she got after me. It wasn’t quite so funny then.


Went to church this p.m. Mrs. Moody came down after us girls, and we laughed. I am heartily ashamed to myself. We apoligized(sic) to her afterwards. I wasn’t laughing at her anyway. The J.U.G. Club met at Krouse’s tonight. Was over to Kits a few minutes.

5 & 6

Went to S.S. and Epworth League. Was over to Frenches and got my Caesar this p.m. Feel just horrid. Wish I would see Miss McAllister. She is going to resign Christmas and teach near home. Won’t that be just fine for her. I am awfully glad for her sake. Went to church tonight. Mr. Lowry preached a fine temperance lecture. Miss Gantt was there and she smiled at me! Mrs. Moody had a meeting for the H.S. girls this p.m.


Went to church. Subject: “The Prodigal Son”. Very good sermon. Blanche was down for supper. Worked after school until 6:00. Mr. Fehn, Myrtle and I had a great discussion on card playing. We certainly don’t agree.


Sadie was out of school all day long. Went to Mrs. Moody’s meeting for H.S. girls. Sat by Cad and Jean. Went to church tonight. Mr. Lowry preached a splendid sermon. Mrs. Moody, Gladys Green and Mrs. Fleckman came after me.

9 & 10

Test in geom. and one in Caesar. Mr. Fehn made Jean and me stay. Dear Miss Bartholomew! I do love her. She is so different then I tho’t she was. She, Jean and I had a heart to heart talk tonight and I know she is a Christian and I want to be with all my heart and soul and I will – will too. I want my Jean to be one too. I don’t know th’o, everything seems so confused. Guess I’ll go to church tonight and maybe I can get the tangle straightened out. Miss Gantt and I went up tonight. Jean wouldn’t go.


Was sick in bed this morning. Jean was down for dinner. She and I went down and talked to Mrs. Cummings. Went to church this p.m. Gladys G. is going to stay all night with Sadie. Wish Jean were here.


Went to S.S. This p.m. Jean and I went sleigh riding. Miss Sweet is here. Was down to Wallace’s for supper. Had a fine time. Went to church with Jean, Miss G., and Miss Sweet. Miss G. talked to Jean, but she wouldn’t go. Helen and Dorothy V. went


Nothing doing. Miss Gantt found a leaf *out of a pony on Ole’s chair. Wish she would find them all. She asked those who had them to go tell her about it, but I know none of them will. Was over to Aunt Livas. Stayed home tonight and studied.



Was over to Frenches after school. Miss G. took every kid separately and asked them if they had used ponies. She said she didn’t think it necessary to ask me if I did. I am glad she trusts me. Didn’t go to church, too much work to do at home.


Arose at the unearthly hour of 4:30 and studied. Was sleepy all day long. Am awfully tired. Went to church. Had to say after school for Mr. Fehn. We are going to use the tabernacle for a gym. Won’t that be fine. The girls will have it two days out of the week.


Went to church. Mr. Lowry preached a fine sermon. Miss Gantt came and put her arms around me and said “We must get Jean, Honey.” And I should say we must. I don’t know when I ever wanted anything so much. Oh I hope she will understand and know what she ought to do and then go ahead and do it.


Program this p.m. Pretty fair. Jean and I had to stay for Mr. Fehn again. We had a meeting this p.m. The H.S. girls are going to organize a Y.W.C.A. I am awfully glad. Hope it is a success. Mamma was sick so didn’t go to church.


Jean was down for a little while. She went over to Frenches to talk to Mr. Fehn. Went to church tonight. Jean said she just couldn’t go up. I understand and I know I could never have gone with anyone, but Miss Gantt. Dear old Miss Gantt, I love her better everyday. She held me so close to.

Grandma’s diary ends December 18th. The rest of the pages were torn out. Perhaps they contained the entries she spoke of on and September 26.

Signed, Gini Norgard, transcriber.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Monday. November 1

Went to Epworth League last night. Worked until 5:30 tonight after school. Am so tired now that I could just cry. I want Jean or someone to love me. My throat is sore and my head aches and I wish I was dead and gone and buried. Could be a good ridance.


Washed today. Sadie and I cramed(sic) history until 11:00, but I don’t know anything more than when I started. Am nearly dead guess I’ll go to bed. Head aches as usual.


Miss Gantt, Sadie and I went driving. Miss G. was just as dear as could be. Then Cad and I went for a little while. She is nice, but can’t come up to Miss G. Awful hard exam in History got 94 ½ in it. Not so bad as it might be.


Exam in English and Latin. Studied until 10:30. Miss Gantt, Jean and I went riding. Jean was down for supper. We went over to Miller’s to see about geometry. I got 75 and I only made one little mistake too, makes me weary.


Went to a ball game. Played with Hawarden and we were beaten 29 to 0. I rooted as hard as I could too. Exam in geometry. I know I didn’t get a one right. It makes me tired so it does. Miss Gantt went to Vermillion; I suppose Miss Vaugh and her sister came.


Am nearly dead tonight. This p.m. Jean and I walked out to the “y” and out past the tree at Stickney’s. We went down to the depot to meet Miss Gantt, but she had company, so we went on home. Was over to Cads for awhile. Was down to Jeans this evening. Had lots of fun. Threw Calip, etc.


Ransome and George came on the early train. Have worked steady until 2:00. Jean came down and we went driving. Mrs. Wallace went too. Jean fell out of the baggy and I th’ot she had half killed herself. Was awfully frightened. We went to C.E.

8, 9, 10

Have forgotten what I did for the next three days as I mislaid my poor old diary and was able to find if for over a week so will have to let it go – we were supposed to have gotten our report cards today, but that Fehn is so measly slow. I wish he would wake up once in a while. It makes me tired simply to look at him. Oh jocks! Sadie said, “Say, do you know who your dog reminds me of?” Flo, “No. Who?” Sadie, “Mr. Perisho.” F, “Mr. Perisho? Why of all things, why?” S, “Oh just his expression and the way he walks.” Joke!!!!


Went to school at 8:00 – didn’t go home at noon and worked until 5:30 at night so I am rather tired. I wrote my magazine article, “Cliff Dwellers who are Wine Makers” in the Travel Magazine, Nov.


Jean stayed all night. We are just going to bed at 1:30. Don’t know when we will go to sleep. The J.U.G. held it’s first meeting here this evening. We popped corn, made candy and so forth.


Worked steady until 5:30 this evening and am dreadfully tired. Would go down to Jeans only I am not sure she wants me and besides I’m so tired and nervous. Wish Jean were here instead.


Went to M.E. Church tonight. Listened to one song which was all I could stand, so went home. Was over to Aunt Liva’s for dinner. Went up to see Alice for a while. It was the first time I had seen her in two months.


Mamma, Sadie and Papa are all at Sioux City today and I am all alone. Wrote my book review. No school, as teachers are visiting schools in Sioux City. It is snowing like fury out. Met Ma at the train.


Handed in my Book Review on “The Marble Farm”. It has snowed about eight inches. Joy be! We J.U.G. girls will have to have a bob ride. Nothing much doing in school.


Miss French visited our Caesar class this p.m. Was over this evening and got my Caesar. Went to an entertainment at courthouse. Worked at school until 5:30 and my head aches and I’m tired – so tired.


Stayed up at school until after dark. Miss Gantt said that all we girls conduct ourselves as perfect ladies while up in her room (except Pearl). Quite a comp(liment). Sadie and I were over to Frenches and in walked Mr. Fehn. Was so embarrased(sic).


Mr. Cumming’s took me in the office tonight after school because I only got 61 in geometry. I can’t help it. I work and work on the old stuff and that’s all the good it does me. I’m just as discouraged as can be – and nobody cares for me!


Am so tired tonight as I have worked hard all day. Haven’t seen anything of Jean. Sadie and I went down to Homers for a little while to see about geom., but I was too tired. to get anything out of her explanation. Snowing out again.


Went to the first tabernacle meeting. Oh dear. I certainly feel punk. Guess that 61 in geom. affected my good temper. Wish I could see Miss McAllister for about five minutes. Just to see her and be near her. Honestly, I get so lonesome sometimes and I wish for someone great and strong to whom I could tell everything and know they would understand.


It was pitch dark when I left the school house tonight. Went to hear Father Daly lecture. Got our report cards. Geom. 61, Caesar 89, Literature 92, History 91, Music 99, general aide 86 2/5.


Miss Gantt and I went cutter riding after school. She said, she would disown me if I didn’t pass in Caesar, so I see where I have to get to work good and hard. After supper. Mrs. Cummings, Sadie and I then Sad, I, Jean and Miss Gantt for a while. I sat on Miss G.’s lap and she held me so close, just once.


Miss Gantt’s program came off today and it was a dandy. She went home on the 4:00 train. Sadie, Jean and I went to church and heard some perfectly punk preaching. I am going to stay all night with Jean.


Stayed with Jean and we didn’t go to sleep until after twelve. I just wanted to put my head on Jean’s shoulder and cry and cry. I felt so foolish. Don’t know what’s the matter with me anyhow. Guess I’m crazy.


Have worked awfully hard all day long and am nearly dead. Jean was down this p.m. and I went up there for supper. She is going to stay all night with me. I am so glad, cause I am lonesome and discouraged and tired.


Went over to Kits for a while this p.m. I worked for two solid hours on geom. and I can’t get a bit of it. I guess I am just a miserable old failure anyway.


Went to S.S., church, Epworth League, and then to church again. Gee, but I’m getting good. Finished Ves Crupia. Sadie and I made fudge. Mr. Fehn was here to see if he could get a room. Thank goodness, or rather thank mamma, he can’t. Millers fired him.


That measly old Mr. Fehn made the whole room stay until 5:00 o’clock just because away last Wednesday someone threw a rubber out the window. He makes me tired. Had a test in History. Never again will I recite in geom. unless I am dead sure of the prop.


More fun today then a circus. Ole Ringsrud took Mr. Fehn’s hat and put it under the water pail, then the boys kicked it around and at last put it between the 2 stairways in the hall. Tonight, he had a lamp looking all over for it. Went to church last night.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Friday. October 1

Joy! Oh rapture! Jean is back again and Ix sits in her place. Went riding this p.m. after school with Kit and Miss Gantt. Jean is going to stay all night with me. Jean had a nice little chat with Mr. Fehn. Didn’t go home from school this noon.


Today Sadie, Mamma and I went out to Tommy Nolan’s for a picnic supper. I found five violets. Jean stayed all night with me last night. We went to bed quite early (in the morning). Am rather sleepy today.


Sadie, Ma and I went out to Mosher’s. We ate 5 apples. Am nearly dead as a result. Haven’t seen Miss Gantt or Jean since Friday. Read “Marriage of Mrs. Merlin’ today. Nothing much doing.


Stayed at the school house and worked this noon. Went down to Jeans after school. Bum lesson in Caesar today. Nothing much going on. Am pretty tired and rather nervous (‘Nough said). Must get to work tho’ at prose composition.


Sadie and Mamma went out to Mosher’s after apples. I stayed home and got supper. Nothing much doing today. Am awfully tired. Wish Jean would come down tonight.


Was over to Frenches for supper this evening and she helped me with my Latin. Went to the Lecture Course. It was pretty good. Am nearly dead. (Wuw – i – sus – huh – I – weuw – a – sus -).


Miss Gantt got after me today in school. Rode on my wheel for a couple of hours this p.m. Was over to Blanche’s a few minutes. Then was down at Wallace’s. Jean got off her base and just talked awful.

Rode a couple of miles on my wheel. Was over to Blanche’s again tonight. Review in Caesar today. I am tired of school all ready and only four weeks gone. Nothing doing.


Worked steady until 2:00. Jean was down this p.m. and we went to the show. It was perfectly punk. Am down at Wallace’s now. Guess Miss Gantt is going to stay all night too. She read me a grand old lecture about not staying at school.


Stayed all night with Jean last night. We didn’t go to bed until 11:00. Miss Gantt was there too and we stayed up and read. Stayed home all day long. Raining out now. Made candy etc.


It’s fearfully cold out today. We had our first snow, the earliest in the season we have had for twenty years. Walked home with Cad. Studied at school until 6:00. Am nearly dead. Nothing much doing. Papa is at Huron.


Had to stay for Caesar today. Mr. Fehn has not returned our geometry papers yet. I have given up all hope of ever getting them again. Studied at school until 5:30 this p.m. to make up for going home this noon.


Studied until 11:00 and s’pose I’ll have to get my Caesar too. I am so sleepy I can hardly stay awake, But I certainly must study my Caesar or Miss Gantt will scalp me. Saw Margaret Dyer. Stayed at school until 5:45.


Was out riding a little while with Miss G, Kit and Sadie. Miss G called me down in school today something about being underhand. Made me good and huffy cause I hadn’t done a blooming thing. She made up for if after school. Went tick tacking th’o.


Miss Gantt and Kit went for a little drive. Was down to the depot with Miss Gantt and Ma, Papa didn’t come on the first train. Jean and Grace K. were down this evening. Went ticktacking(sic) a little.


Have worked awfully hard all day. Haven’t seen Jean at all. Hitched up and ran a few errands for Mamma. Papa and she have gone to Aberdeen for a few days. Was over to Frenches and got my Caesar. Blanche is going to stay all night.


Haven’t seen Sadie since breakfast. Guess it’s a good ridance(sic). Miss French and I went out to the Industrial School and then Maud and Alice went riding. Wish Jean would come down.


Test in History this a.m. Failed as usual in Caesar and geometry recitation. Jean and Grace Homer were down for supper. Wanted Jean to stay all night but she couldn’t so asked Myrtle H. We went to the show and then out ticktacking. No fun th’o. Studied until 11:30.


Mamma and Papa came home today. We haven’t got our geometry papers back yet! I never saw such a slow man in all my life as Mr. Fehn. He makes me tired so he does.


Actually made a recitation in geometry today. Guess Fehn nearly fell over. Was over to Kit’s last night. Got home and Mamma was sick. Sat up with her until 2 o’clock. I am nearly dead tonight.


We had a test in Caesar and I will get a fierce grade because we had to draw a map. Makes me tired so it does. I am tired enough anyway.


Nothing much doing today. Got 90 in my History test. Had a test in Lit. this morning. Went down to woods after milk and just got soaked. It’s raining hard out yet. Stayed at school this noon.


Worked until 5:00 this day. Nell and Mr. Hasson are going to be here for supper. I am going to stay all night with Jean tonight. Washed the dog and cat this p.m. Haven’t seen Miss Gantt all day long. Heard from Nell.


Jean and I went to sleep early last night, about midnight I guess. Went riding a while this p.m. and then down to Wallace’s to see if she could go to, but she couldn’t. Sat by Miss Gantt tonight in church. She put her arm around me.


School again today. Got 96 in my Literature test. Didn’t come home from school this noon and so am rather tired. Feel kind of lonesome too. Haven’t seen much of Jean, as she is playing basketball all the time or else having interviews with Fehn, Cad or Hazel.


Test in geometry today. S’pose I’ll get an awful grade, as Mr. Fehn says he marks according to the way in which it appeals to him. Makes me tired. Was over to Kits a little while. Miss Gantt, Jean and I went driving.


Got 0 in geometry. I would like to slap Mr. Fehn’s face. Nothing else could give me so much pleasure. Oh, the dirty, unfair, wheep, I’d like to give him a piece of my mind if I didn’t need it all myself. I certainly won’t sass now.


Went down to Wallace’s to look up something in her grammar. Walked up town with Hazel. Then we went for quite a stroll. Stopped at May’s a few minutes. She said I passed in Music. Am awfully glad.


Got 99 ½ in Music test. Papa went to Soo Falls this evening. Was down to the depot. Saw Miss Gantt and Mrs. W. and Jean. Had quite a talk with Mr. Fehn in the drug store. Heard from Miss Sweet. Was down to Jean’s a few minutes.


Oh such a time as we have had tonight. Worked this p.m. until 4:00. Went out to Vinson’s. We six girls went up to Miss Gantt’s room and made fudge and marshmallows. The bed came down with Myrtle. All the pictures of Miss McAllister made me feel rather lonesome, th’o. Miss G. and I lay on the bed and she held me so close, just once. Stayed until 10:30.


Was sitting out on the porch when Miss G. came along and so I went to church with her. Was out walking awhile. It’s raining out now. Am dreadfully tired.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Wednesday. September 1

Met Papa at Hawarden this morning. Mamma is not much better. The cat has grown so I would hardly know him. The dog pivoted for about half an hour. Nell and I gave him a bath this p.m. Jean came over this evening and I surely was glad to see her. Sadie and I walked home with her. Stopped a few minutes to see Mrs. Wallace.


Have worked awfully hard today. Mamma is sick and I had to wait on her besides unpacking, etc. Saw Miss French this afternoon. Went up town with her. Was over to Hoffman’s this evening. Sadie and I went walking. Nell is going to Baldwin. She is nearly crazy.


Have put up twelve glasses of jelly and seven quarts of grape juice. Was over to Hoffman’s for supper. Nellie Zable and Nell Nichols were there afterwards. I went over to Frenches for a few minutes. Mamma is not to well today.


Nell, Sadie and I have been working all day long. Nellie Nichols, Nell Zable and I rode this p.m. Sadie and I this evening. We left poor *“Mikey” in the cold, dark barn all night long. He must be lonesome, but Sadie ate him the next morning. Miss G came this eve, but I haven’t seen her.

*Could possibly be an apple doll.


Nell Z., Nell E., Jess and I went walking. Then went over to Jess’es for supper. Made candy, etc. Nothing much doing. Haven’t seen Jean for an awfully long time it seems. I haven’t had time to go up there and I ‘spose she’s busy too. Gee! But I’m lonesome.


School started this morning. We just enrolled for our classes and found out what books to get. Mr. Fehn is a funny “feller”. It seems so good to see Miss Gantt. She is just as dear as ever (if not more so). Jean was down this p.m. Went up to the library and over to May’s.


Lessons started today. I just hate geometry! It’s the crazyest(sic) stuff I ever saw. Makes me tired so it does. Miss G changed some seats and Mr. Fehn changed them all back again. He certainly is a funny old duffer.


Arose at the unearthly hour of 5:30. Rode three miles on my wheel this morning. Walked home with Miss Gantt this noon. Have worked so hard all day long and am as tired as can be. Studied on geometry, but I am no nearer to getting it now than when I started.


Tired? No name for it. Sadie and I bumed(sic) abound tonight. Went up to Wallace’s for a few minutes. I hate geometry. We have Caesar in the office and Miss G makes me sit right next to that red Callahan. Makes me tired, so it does. I just love Caesar th’o.


Pretty tired tonight. Jess and I went driving; then Anna May, Miss Osmotherly and I. I think she is rather nice. Jean had gone to Richland to stay over Sunday and it'’ a pretty bum town without her. Guess I’ll go to Soo City with Nell.


Thundered like everything last night. Made me think of - it frightened me. Didn’t go to S. City after all Sadie and I went on a bum this p.m. Went walking with Jess this eve. Made jell this morning. Wish Jean were with me tonight.


Haven’t done much of anything today. Went to church with Miss Gantt – guess that’s something worth putting down. It has seemed awfully lonesome without Jean all day long. But will see her tomarrow I suppose. Was over to Jess’es this p.m. Made candy, etc.

13 & 14

Felix made a grease spot of a worm today. Heavens – I nearly fainted. Was down to Jeans for supper tonight. Miss Gantt was pretty tired, and Jean too, I guess. Nothing much doing. Can’t see thr’u geometry to save my neck. It gets worse every day and I’m tired and Sadie and I are sitting up studying. It’s now twelve and I don’t know anymore about his horrid geometry than when I started so guess I’ll go to bed. Will have to get up early, I guess and try some more.


Felt punk all day. Tonight I capped the climate by having a chill, then fever, etc. Made me tired so it did. Folks wouldn’t let me study and I didn’t have any of my lessons! I had to let them go to smash. I am so tired. Wanted Jean to come down, but she could not.


What do you think? Miss G. said she liked Jean and me better than the rest. I nearly fell over. Wonder if she really does. She, Jean and I went riding for a while this evening. I wanted to take her after school, but she was busy lecturing Helen. (Wish she had given Helen a kick for me, so I do).


Dreamed last night Miss Mc came back to teach. My I would like to see her. We sat up until twelve last night studying. Jean came down last night. She said Miss Gantt went off and cried last night after Helen had talked so. Confound that Volmer. I would like to half kill her so I would, making my H.G. feel so bad.

18Today Myrtle, Nell Sadie and I went on a picnic at Vinson’s. Got caught in the rain going home. Just got soaked. Jean was going with us, but Miss Sweet was there for supper – was sorry.


Jean, Sadie, Nell and I went riding this afternoon. Jean came down in the evening and we lay out in the hammock, and talked. I just don’t know what I would do without her. I th’ot I saw Sadie and asked if “he” was with her and it was someone else.


What do you know about it? Fehn was out with Anna May until some time this morning. Makes me tired. Sadie and I got excused at 4:00. Nell went away this p.m., and we had to help to get her off. Wish Jean were here tonight. I am so tired.


Geometry test came off today. I will get the beautiful grade of 33 1/3. Sadie wrote at the bottom of her paper. “Slam it down, Bang it down, Anyway to get it down.” Wonder what Mr. F. will say.


Studied until twelve. Am too tired to see straight now. Nothing much doing. Our English books have come. Wish Jean were here now, but I am all alone, alone.


Miss Gantt got after me today ‘cause I laughed. I really couldn’t help it tho, Felix was so funny. Wish I hadn’t laughed now, cause it made H. mad as a wet hen. Mamma, Sadie and I went driving this evening. Have to cram for tests tonight.


Had lots of fun in school today. Sadie started a postal to Mr. Fehn and everyone wrote something different. Frenchy wrote, “Oh joy, you haven’t shaved.” We had a test in Caesar and one in History. know I will get an awful grade.


Went to Sioux City on the five thirty train this morning. Got a new hat, dress, etc. Sadie ate too much candy and heaved up Jonah all the way home, not to mention in the sleeve of my best and only jacket.

26 & 27

Jean was down this p.m. We went riding a few minutes. Sadie is no good, she went and sneaked my diary off and read everything in the back of the book – all about Hazel and Jean – the ones nearest and dearest to my heart. I could nearly have killed her, I was so angry -–words cannot express what I would like to say. Stayed all night with Jean. We didn’t go to sleep until 2:30. What do you know about it? Miss Sweet was there for breakfast. Last night Nell P., Glen W., and I went riding with Vinson’s horse. Fun.


Was down to Jean’s last night. Had to come home early though, as Leon G. was here. I went riding a little while. Was over to French’s and got all my Caesar for tomarrow(sic) (for a wonder). I am sure Miss G. will faint if I have my lesson.


Oh horrors! Jean has had her seat changed to the front. I nearly died. She was down after school and after supper. I, Cad and Blanche went driving. Pretty good time. It’s certainly swell out, as moonlight as can be.


Got 90 in Caesar test. Punk lesson in Caesar today. Was over to Jeans this evening. Went to the show afterwards, and it was pretty good. Am awfully tired. Guess I’ll have to study my horrid old geometry. Heard from Nell and Edwin and Kenneth.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Sunday. August 1, 1909

After a great fuss and flurry, we started for Avery’s this a.m. Alice and I climbed a big hill. Afterward we all climbed another to see the sunset. Alice and I climbed down the steep rim rock about 50 feet high. Am awfully tired.


Went trout fishing for the first time today and only caught one. Guess I spent too much time looking for stones. Found three agates. Alice and I went down to the Lethia Spring this afternoon. We had lots of fun.


Alice and I walked to the Big Pool after trout. Had an awful time fording the creek. Then we lost our hooks and broke our poles. We certainly are two unlucky mortals. We all drove to Beulah. Heard from Nell P., Jean and Miss McAllister.


I was awfully sick last night and so was Nell. Didn’t go to sleep until 1:30. Have been reading all day. Have read “Soldiers of Fortune,” “Lola and Captain Macklin”. Alice and I went wading in the irragation(sic) ditch. Wish Jean were here. Am tired and blue.


Today we drove up the canyon four miles. It is much more wild and rocky there. Papa and Mr. Avery caught trout for dinner. I climbed a big hill behind the house this evening after dark. They seem awfully big and lonesome at night.


Went up to Boydon’s today. Climbed a big steep mountain. I found five agates. Papa, Nell and I fished. Only caught two. Papa five, Nell nothing. Got caught in a thunder shower and had to come home. Am awfully tired. It is still raining. Wish I could see Jean.


I am awfully tired tonight, although I haven’t done much of anything except to lie around and read. Finished “Glenwood” and started “For a Free Conscience.” Alice and I climbed the hill, where Nell took our pictures. Went to Beulah. Heard from Kit and Lottie


Was sick in bed all day. Nell kicked me out last night, so I slept on the floor and caught cold. Have read “Wanted: A Chaperone” and “Dorothy Vernon of Haddan Hall.” All the folks have gone to Beulah and I am all alone. It is storming like everything. Gee, the thunder sounds loud.


This morning we started off for dinner. When we got there discovered there wasn’t any hotel so Mrs. Avery asked a lady if we could stay there. We three girls slept on the floor. Walked down to the tin mine, climbed Green Mountain. I am awfully tired.


This morning Alice, Nell and I gathered birch bark. Then we picked red raspberries about twenty five quarts in all. We camped at a spring and reached home about 4 o’clock. Nell and Mamma have gone to Beulah. Hope I get some mail.


Our last day at Sand Creek. Papa caught thirty-five trout, Nell at last saw a snake, Mamma found two new birds and I climbed the hills all by myself. Mrs. Avery and I drove to Beulah this evening. I heard from Grace and Sid.


Arose at the scandelous(sic) hour of half past four. We started for Spearfish about 7:00. Mr. Cook took us up to the fish hatchery and to an artesian well. Mrs. and Irene Atmore are visiting here too. Have only heard from Jean once. Wonder what’s the matter.


Climbed Lookout Mt. this morning. About noon discovered I had left mamma’s bird books so had to go all the way back. Talk about tired. I was nearly dead. We left Spearfish this evening. At Deadwood we saw Alice, Maud, Antoine and Jule. It seemed good to see someone from home.


This morning we went over to Lead. Went thru the hoist and stamping mills. It was certainly interesting. Miss DeVinna was with us. Saw John C. We reached Pres. Fulton’s camp about 9:30. We sat around the campfire for about an hour. Wished for F. and H.


Have had lost of fun today. Dr. Fulton told me all about the rocks etc. We went thru an old mine from which wulfrum is obtained. I have several pieces. We also saw a shaft 500 ft. deep. Marion, Bertha and I waded in the creek.


This morning the “goils” and I picked raspberries and waded in the creek and caught frogs. It made me think of Miss Mc. We drove eleven miles to Silvan Lake. It is beautiful, but such a little dinky thing. We went for a long row this eve.


We climbed Harney Pk. on burros this morning. I was on the leader “Jerry”, Nell took a header off “Bunso”. Pa and I climbed up on the needles. We had a fine view from the peak – highest point in S.D. – could see Bad Lands etc. Put our cards in the post office. I am terribly stiff. Rode on the stagecoach to Custer.


Reached Hot Springs at 12:30 p.m. our train was awfully late. Heard from Jean at last. We went out to Wind cave. It was awfully interesting. We took the Fair grounds route. Tonight we went up the plunge. We had lots of fun. Met Aunt Clara this afternoon.


Got up at five o’clock this morning to catch the early train. Reached the claim about eleven. Went horse back riding this p.m. Papa and I played cards. I am going to sleep out on the porch in the hammock. Jiminy! But I am sleepy. 5:30 is too early for me.


This morning I chased all over after the old horse “Frank”. Then I went riding on him. Papa went away today. While everyone was gone I started to lie out on the grass and read when about two feet away was a rattler. I was stocking footed so ran and got my shoes and hoe. When I got back he was gone.


We drove fourteen miles to Hasson’s. Heavens! But it was hot. We went to see the rattle snake Mrs. Thurston killed. It had ten rattles. On our way back we saw another, but it got away. Maud T. and Mother were over this evening. We played flinch.


Mamma, Aunt C., Nell and I walked over to Cottonwood Creek. Found a good many agates. Then Mr. Thurston took us down to the Cheyenne R. I rode horseback with Faye T. I certainly had some fun. After dinner we walked down to the Cottonwood, Mamma killed another rattler with nine rattles.


It has been so hot today. Mr. McDuff gave me the rattles of a snake he killed this morning. Nell and I drove to Buffalo Gap. It certainly is a punk little burg. On the way back, we met some Indians and Frank nearly upset us. The buggy went way up on two wheels. No mail yet.


A little cooler today. This simply caps the climax! I was up on the hill looking for Frank when I saw a rattler close in front o me. It coiled, rattled and struck at me, but never hurt me a bit. If I had had the hoe I would have killed it, but it got away.


Washed this morning. Nell and I drove to Buffalo Gap. On the way back travel saw some Indians and nearly upset us. The buggy went up on two wheels. Scared? Don’t mention it. We drove all over the claim this p.m.


Made the stone walk. Left Buffalo Gap this p.m. Aunt Clara went to get us some sandwiches and the train started, so we didn’t get to bid her goodbye. Walked around Rapid and bought curios. Nothing much doing. Am awfully sleepy.


Left Rapid this morning. Reached Philip at noon. Beryl and all the Tone’s were here to meet us. Ate dinner with Miss Orr. Rode horseback all afternoon. Went for a picnic supper at the Bad River. Climbed the hill, played games, etc. About 25 of us.


Climbed the hills this morning and rode horse back. Fatty left early. Reached Uncle Jim’s at seven this evening. We came up from Blunt in an auto in about an hour. It’s a seventeen-mile drive too. We certainly had some fun. I am dreadfully sleepy.


Took a sixty mile auto ride over to the Missouri River today. We surely went a whizzing part of the time. I got as dirty as an old negro and awfully tired too. Stole plums, but couldn’t find any watermelons. Isadore isn’t feeling well, alth’o Herbert is doing his best to comfort her.


Mr. Nelson took us auto riding this evening. Had a pretty good ride. I sat on the front seat and ran the machine for a little while. A stack of kids are coming over tonight so no sleep for me until 12:00 – I am awfully sleepy too. Wiped dishes and waited on the table.


Arose at the unearthly hour of 3:00 o’clock this morning and went seventeen miles in the auto in a cold wind and then missed our train. Made me tired, so it did. We went Otto(sic) riding this afternoon. He’s the funniest fellow I ever saw. Reached Huron at eleven. Couldn’t get berths, so sat up all the way to Hawarden. Reached here at 8:00 a.m.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Thursday. July 1, 1909

I got my pictures today. They are horrid. Jean and I played croquet this p.m. Myrtle and Glen were over tonight. We went uptown and got some ice cream. It wasn’t good. Miss McAllister has resigned. We will have no more moonlight rides or visits in the little school-house.


I am so tired and I never seem to get rested. Wish Jean would come down. We intended to go on a picnic at the Missouri, but at the last minute they all backed out and would not go. Makes me tired so it did. Played croquet this evening.


Jean beat me 10 games out of 12 on her own grounds. I think that was mean so I do. She is going to stay for supper and all night. My poor kid is pretty tired and nervous I guess I don’t feel any too good my self.


Am awfully tired. Today has been rather cold – for a wonder. Jean and I went to sleep early last night – 12:30. We toasted marshmallows. I have been thinking about Miss McAllister – I never will see her again. Thank heaven it is her instead of Miss Gantt.


Ransome(sic) and Sid have been here today. They played croquet against Sadie and I. Glory be! We won one game and they the other.


Had a grand old fight today. Slapped Florence Steckman cause she pounded me with her fists. She makes me weary. Nell th’ot it was perfectly terrible, but I am going to stand up for my rights. Jean and I went to the show.


Went to the depot this a.m., but Gladys didn’t come. She came this p.m., but was sick so went on home. Gee, but I am nearly dead tonight. Have been up town and to the depot four times. Jean was down this p.m. I am so sleepy.

8 & 9

Got a card from Miss G. at last. Wish some one else would write. Had an awful dream last night. I dreamed that I was alone in the house all night, so I had a revolver with me. I heard someone crawl in the window and I shot at them, I heard a scream and a thud of someone falling. I lit a candle and ran over. I had wounded Miss Gantt. She said she could never forgive me and that she always would hate me. Then she died. My but it was horrible. What if anything like that should happen? I am lonesome tonight. Have been crying and my head feels as if it weighed a ton, and my eyes hurt. Wish Jean were here. Maybe she wouldn’t care th’o either. I wonder sometimes if she really loves me and if she cares how I feel. I wonder too, if she wants me to love her. Wish I were dead. Feel lonesome tonight.


Big flood in Sioux City. Hope Hazel is safe. God alone knows what I would do without her or Jean.


Today is Sunday. I haven’t seen Jean for ages. Am beginning to think she don’t care to see me. Feel blue tonight. Guess I am N.G. anyway. Just an ornery old cow, no wonder Hazel or Jean or anybody don’t love me. I hate myself so I do, you old cry baby.


Went to Soo City today. We rode out to Morningside to see the flood. Went past Miss Gantt’s, but didn’t see her.


Jean and I went up to the library this p.m. Mrytle and we kids climbed up on the schoolhouse and wrote our names in the belfry. Then we went out on the lawn and read, at least Jean did, but I was busy thinking (as usual).


Was over to Hoffman’s this p.m. and watched Lola and Jess paint. Was over to Jeans a few minutes tonight. I just love her so I do. I don’t believe I want her to read any of this stuff anymore. She would think I was daffy.


Beulah and Jean were down this evening and we played croquet and then went driving. Had lots of fun, but could not help but think of my last ride with F.M. and H.G. Jean is going to stay all night with me soon. (I hope so).


Lola, Jess, Nell, Sadie and myself drove to the Missouri and took our lunch. The river is cutting dreadfully. We went home by Hammonds singing to beat the cars and we met Glenn Miller and Phil C. and Lucile and Frank K.! We looked so tough I guess they didn’t know us.


Nell had a pile of company last night, and she kept one on the jump all day. I am all in tonight and so is Sadie. Was going down to Jeans but am too tired now. Wish she would come up here.


Helen Miller and her baby are here. Heavens it surely is hot out. Was down to Jeans this p.m. and then she came down here to supper. Papa and I planned our trip to the Black Hills. We are going to start next week if Do and Gertie do not come.


96° in the shade. Sadie and I made ice cream this p.m. Glory I have been working all day long, just awfully hard too. Hope I don’t have bad dreams tonight. I am forever dreaming of Jean or J.D.F. dying and I’ll wake up crying.


Awfully hot. Went riding this evening. Jean is going to stay all night with me to night. Started a new basket. Lola showed me how, etc. Miss Gantt said we didn’t know how near she came to resigning. Great Caesar, I am glad she didn’t because I_”because I love you”.


Glory I am sleepy. Jean and I did not go to sleep until after two. It was so hot that we went out on the porch and sat in the windows and caught cold. I feel horrid again. Sadie and Lizzie and Nell and I went driving. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Heard from Sweet.


Lizzie, Grandma Ericson and I drove out to Vinson’s. We were intending to go on a picnic tomarrow, but it was postponed. I and Jim went horseback riding after the cows. We have decided to stay all night. I don’t like the country. Gets too lonesome.


We went home by the Missouri. It has gone down and has quit cutting. Th’ot we would take the shortest way home by the bridge. We found to our sorrow we could not get across, so we had to go away around again. Maybe Miss Gantt is going to room here. I am so excited I don’t know what to do.


Picnic today in Iowa. We went on the banks of the Sioux River for dinner. I had all sorts of troubles. Jess forgot the butter, Ma nearly upset the carriage and spilled the water. Lola spilled the potatoes, and the pigs ate our bread. I climbed up on top of a big hill all alone. I could see Soo City and Jefferson. I then went wading. Drove home by Jefferson.


Raining cats and dogs out and I am sick in bed with rheumatism. Have been reading “The Guest of Quesnay.”


Great Caesar! Holy Moses! Etc. At last we have decided to start for the Black Hills Wednesday. I am so glad I don’t know what to do. Lola goes tomarrow a.m. Jean was down this evening. She is going away too. Address 809 Hurleigh St., Yankton, c/o Minnie Lagan. Saddie is sick today.


Packing, packing forever packing. I am nearly dead. Heard from Miss Gantt yesterday. Was over to Frenches. Kit and I were planning to read Caesar, but we haven’t done a thing. She said she would help me in the fall. Sadie and I fought to beat the cars. Am nearly dead.


Started off in a hurry this a.m. Didn’t even get to see Jean. Papa and I went to a double header ball game, but Soo City was beaten both times. Erma came down today too. Stayed at “The West” until 10:30 then went to the depot and here we are on the sleeper.


“Brite and Fare”. Reached Huron this a.m. Saw Mrs. Tone and Mary. I have seen the Bad Lands, and river, The Cheyenne, etc. The country is beautiful I think. Didn’t see Charlie N. Reached Rapid at 7:30 a.m. so sleepy.


At Sturgis today with Anderson’s. We met Pres. Cook, etc. Then drove out to Ft. Meade at which a thousand soldiers are stationed. Anderson’s have two dear kids, not to mention a cute ponie(sic) I was afraid to ride. We got into Deadwood 9:30 this evening. The city is built right on the hills.


We went down the Spearfish Canyon. Ours was the 2nd train since the washout. The canyon was beautiful and we saw lots of old deserted mines. Reached Spearfish this noon. Horrid place. Walked to Norm’s. Thinking as usual.

Friday, June 1, 2007


Tuesday. June 1, 1909

Jean and I helped Miss Gantt clean out her desk and carry the books home. Miss Sweet sent me to the office. Said I would have to see Prof. Before I would take exams. You bet I will


The seniors class play comes off tonight. Took exam in English and algebra. Was out riding. Took Miss Gantt to the courthouse and Miss McAllister uptown. June S. is coming on the evening train. The play was just fine.


Exam in Phys. Geog. and Latin. Got 91 in Latin, 65 in algebra and 94 in English exams. On my card I got 89 – Latin, 96 music, 88 English, 78 algebra. Don’t know what I got in P. Geog. yet. Got home early from exams. Papa has gone to Green Lake fishing a few days.


Went up to the schoolhouse this morning after my card, but it wasn’t ready yet. Prof. C. always is the last to get our cards. June S. went home this p.m. Then Margaret Mangan and I ran errands for Miss Gantt. We went up to the chinamen’s four times after her collars. Then Miss Sweet, Jean and I went for a walk.


Sid, Mamma, and I went for ‘a picnic’ out on the Sioux by Belmires. Caught an old carp. Got my report card when I got home. Latin 89, English 88, Phys. Geog. 86, Music 96 and algebra 78 (of course, Miss Sweet could give me a good grade).


Jean and I went walking. A full account may be seen in the back of the book on these conditions: Never tell anyone, trust me and believe it all. Do not think me silly and above all things. Don’t laugh – But no one must ever read it – unless sometime I can let my Jean read it.


I was down to Jean’s for supper tonight. We read each other’s diaries on the way home. They were awfully funny.


Mr. Munson died Sunday. His funeral was today. Jean was down all afternoon. We had such a jolly (?) time. I read the rest of her diary over on the bed. Something in it made me feel bad and something else made me feel better, then we went riding and Jean stayed for supper.


Jean and I went to Vermillion tonight. We are staying at the Waldorf. Saw Glen and Helen Collins, besides my own dear Miss Mc and Miss Sweet to. We went to the law commencement, where we saw Hazel and Kit. Jean and I went home all alone from the University.


Jean and I walking this morning. I believe we took in the whole town. We were wandering around looking for Mrs. Wights when we heard Miss Mc call to us. She and Miss Sweet were there and we went in. Later we all went over to Mrs. Wights and then went to the commencement. Came home this p.m. Jean is down here now. Got the dearest angora cat at Vermillion I ever saw.


Nothing much doing except Jean and I went up after Hazels things. Mrs. Flannery gave us a whole raft of *truck, but we lugged it all home and Jean tied them all up and put them in a shoe box. She put in an old brick too. Glory, but that box is heavy.

*Commodities appropriate to barter or to exchange.


We took the box down to Miss Gantt. She decided she would leave it with us, but forgot to. Miss Mc and Miss Gantt are gone for good now. Don’t suppose I will see them again untill(sic) next fall. Jean was down this p.m. and we played croquet.


It’s awfully hot out. I am nearly melted. Gee, I feel cross as an old bear. Went to league with Jean. We sat up on the platform and Pearl Barr threw a cat in the window. It ran across the platform and out the door. You ought to have heard those kids laugh. Floy was so mad.


Institute started today. Mr. Perisho, Mr. Trettien, Miss Dolan and Miss McCumber all room here. I have to sleep over the kitchen, and it is so hot. Papa went away today. I go to institute. Take Phys. Geog. and water colors. Jean and I have lots of fun.


Mr. Perisho showed me all the stars. Jupiter, Antares in Scorpio, the Arrgin, the Sickle, the Celestial Triangle, Denew in the Great Northern Cross, Vega in Lyra and Alter in Aquilla. Then I went up to Wallace’s and stayed all night. Had lots of fun.


We played croquet tonight until after dark. We played partners. Mr. Perisho and I against Mama and Jean. Then we looked at the stars again. I am nearly dead now. Guess I’ll go to bed.

17 & 18

Sadie came this morning. I was so glad to see her. Gee, but she is a peach of a looker, lots prettier. We all smoked glasses and went up to the school house to see the eclipse of the sun. Could see it real plain. It entered at the left hand side and went off at the top. Then all us kids painted up Caesar and crawled way up on the roof of the school house. We could see all over. Then we played croquet. Was expecting Gladys tonight, but she didn’t come. Miss Vaught came tonight.


Today Mamma, Miss Vaughn and I went on a picnic at Vinson’s. Then we drove on down to the Missouri, which is cutting like fury. Sadie and I had lots of fun tonight. She certainly is the limit. Tried to choke me, etc.


What a crazy dummy I am. I went and wrote in July instead of June, but can’t change it now.

102° in the shade. It is terribly hot today. I am nearly roasted. I have a new name for the dog Wullie – Mr. Perisho calls him that, the ornery thing. We had only part of the children’s day exercises because it rained and not many were there. They are going to give it over next Sunday.


Picked ten quarts of strawberries this morning. I am so tired I can hardly stand up. Sadie, Jean and I went out to the Missouri R. for a picnic. We had lots of fun. Then when we got home Sadie and I went to the show. Jean was too tired, poor kid.


Went upstairs this p.m. all alone. I felt awfully blue and miserable. Made a fool of myself for a couple of hours then hitched up the horse and went up to the library. Alice, Maud and Kate ran off with my horse. Jean was down tonight after supper and is going to stay all night.


I washed, filed and painted all my balls and mallets this morning. It is cloudy and sultry out. Papa came home today. We are having a very bad storm. It is just raining down cats and dogs, and thundering like sixty. Mr. Perisho and Trettien were here for supper. Went to S.D. program at the courthouse.


Slept until 10:30 this morning. I got a hot dinner this a.m. no good at all. Isadore came this p.m. Dr. Trettien and I played against Ma and Issy. We beat three games out of four. Jean didn’t come down today. Missed her so much.


Mr. Trettien went away this morning. There were graduation excercises at the courthouse. Ruth was down here. Nell got home this p.m. Seems good to see her. Sadie and I played croquet against Prof. Perisho and Isadore. Of course they won.


It has been so hot today. Ruth went away this evening. Jesse H. came this p.m. and we went to the picture show. It was great fun. Haven’t seen Jean for ages. Guess she has forgotten me.


94° in the shade today. Jean and I went to Epworth League. We are going to have a picnic next week. We had children’s day tonight and I had to read an old response. Then I went home with Jean and stayed all night with her. I was awfully nervous.


Mamma, Jess, Isadore and Nell all went to the river and left me all alone. Started for Jeans, but got switched off at the Idle Hour. It was very good (?) I fixed my kodak book this afternoon. Jocks, but I am nervous tonight. Guess I’ll go upstairs.


Mamma, Jess, Isadore, Nell and I went out to Vinson’s grove for a picnic. We took Tip and we had an awful time. He jumped out and started for home once. Then on the way home he got loose and started back to the woods. Was so funny we nearly died laughing.


Today was Jean’s birthday. Was going out riding, but decided to go to the show instead. It was bum. Jean was there too. I have got it from all sides today. I guess everyone is tired of having me around. I wish that I were dead. No one would care any way.