Thursday. July 1, 1909
I got my pictures today. They are horrid. Jean and I played croquet this p.m. Myrtle and Glen were over tonight. We went uptown and got some ice cream. It wasn’t good. Miss McAllister has resigned. We will have no more moonlight rides or visits in the little school-house.
I am so tired and I never seem to get rested. Wish Jean would come down. We intended to go on a picnic at the Missouri, but at the last minute they all backed out and would not go. Makes me tired so it did. Played croquet this evening.
Jean beat me 10 games out of 12 on her own grounds. I think that was mean so I do. She is going to stay for supper and all night. My poor kid is pretty tired and nervous I guess I don’t feel any too good my self.
Am awfully tired. Today has been rather cold – for a wonder. Jean and I went to sleep early last night – 12:30. We toasted marshmallows. I have been thinking about Miss McAllister – I never will see her again. Thank heaven it is her instead of Miss Gantt.
Ransome(sic) and Sid have been here today. They played croquet against Sadie and I. Glory be! We won one game and they the other.
Had a grand old fight today. Slapped Florence Steckman cause she pounded me with her fists. She makes me weary. Nell th’ot it was perfectly terrible, but I am going to stand up for my rights. Jean and I went to the show.
Went to the depot this a.m., but Gladys didn’t come. She came this p.m., but was sick so went on home. Gee, but I am nearly dead tonight. Have been up town and to the depot four times. Jean was down this p.m. I am so sleepy.
8 & 9
Got a card from Miss G. at last. Wish some one else would write. Had an awful dream last night. I dreamed that I was alone in the house all night, so I had a revolver with me. I heard someone crawl in the window and I shot at them, I heard a scream and a thud of someone falling. I lit a candle and ran over. I had wounded Miss Gantt. She said she could never forgive me and that she always would hate me. Then she died. My but it was horrible. What if anything like that should happen? I am lonesome tonight. Have been crying and my head feels as if it weighed a ton, and my eyes hurt. Wish Jean were here. Maybe she wouldn’t care th’o either. I wonder sometimes if she really loves me and if she cares how I feel. I wonder too, if she wants me to love her. Wish I were dead. Feel lonesome tonight.
Big flood in Sioux City. Hope Hazel is safe. God alone knows what I would do without her or Jean.
Today is Sunday. I haven’t seen Jean for ages. Am beginning to think she don’t care to see me. Feel blue tonight. Guess I am N.G. anyway. Just an ornery old cow, no wonder Hazel or Jean or anybody don’t love me. I hate myself so I do, you old cry baby.
Went to Soo City today. We rode out to Morningside to see the flood. Went past Miss Gantt’s, but didn’t see her.
Jean and I went up to the library this p.m. Mrytle and we kids climbed up on the schoolhouse and wrote our names in the belfry. Then we went out on the lawn and read, at least Jean did, but I was busy thinking (as usual).
Was over to Hoffman’s this p.m. and watched Lola and Jess paint. Was over to Jeans a few minutes tonight. I just love her so I do. I don’t believe I want her to read any of this stuff anymore. She would think I was daffy.
Beulah and Jean were down this evening and we played croquet and then went driving. Had lots of fun, but could not help but think of my last ride with F.M. and H.G. Jean is going to stay all night with me soon. (I hope so).
Lola, Jess, Nell, Sadie and myself drove to the Missouri and took our lunch. The river is cutting dreadfully. We went home by Hammonds singing to beat the cars and we met Glenn Miller and Phil C. and Lucile and Frank K.! We looked so tough I guess they didn’t know us.
Nell had a pile of company last night, and she kept one on the jump all day. I am all in tonight and so is Sadie. Was going down to Jeans but am too tired now. Wish she would come up here.
Helen Miller and her baby are here. Heavens it surely is hot out. Was down to Jeans this p.m. and then she came down here to supper. Papa and I planned our trip to the Black Hills. We are going to start next week if Do and Gertie do not come.
96° in the shade. Sadie and I made ice cream this p.m. Glory I have been working all day long, just awfully hard too. Hope I don’t have bad dreams tonight. I am forever dreaming of Jean or J.D.F. dying and I’ll wake up crying.
Awfully hot. Went riding this evening. Jean is going to stay all night with me to night. Started a new basket. Lola showed me how, etc. Miss Gantt said we didn’t know how near she came to resigning. Great Caesar, I am glad she didn’t because I_”because I love you”.
Glory I am sleepy. Jean and I did not go to sleep until after two. It was so hot that we went out on the porch and sat in the windows and caught cold. I feel horrid again. Sadie and Lizzie and Nell and I went driving. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Heard from Sweet.
Lizzie, Grandma Ericson and I drove out to Vinson’s. We were intending to go on a picnic tomarrow, but it was postponed. I and Jim went horseback riding after the cows. We have decided to stay all night. I don’t like the country. Gets too lonesome.
We went home by the Missouri. It has gone down and has quit cutting. Th’ot we would take the shortest way home by the bridge. We found to our sorrow we could not get across, so we had to go away around again. Maybe Miss Gantt is going to room here. I am so excited I don’t know what to do.
Picnic today in Iowa. We went on the banks of the Sioux River for dinner. I had all sorts of troubles. Jess forgot the butter, Ma nearly upset the carriage and spilled the water. Lola spilled the potatoes, and the pigs ate our bread. I climbed up on top of a big hill all alone. I could see Soo City and Jefferson. I then went wading. Drove home by Jefferson.
Raining cats and dogs out and I am sick in bed with rheumatism. Have been reading “The Guest of Quesnay.”
Great Caesar! Holy Moses! Etc. At last we have decided to start for the Black Hills Wednesday. I am so glad I don’t know what to do. Lola goes tomarrow a.m. Jean was down this evening. She is going away too. Address 809 Hurleigh St., Yankton, c/o Minnie Lagan. Saddie is sick today.
Packing, packing forever packing. I am nearly dead. Heard from Miss Gantt yesterday. Was over to Frenches. Kit and I were planning to read Caesar, but we haven’t done a thing. She said she would help me in the fall. Sadie and I fought to beat the cars. Am nearly dead.
Started off in a hurry this a.m. Didn’t even get to see Jean. Papa and I went to a double header ball game, but Soo City was beaten both times. Erma came down today too. Stayed at “The West” until 10:30 then went to the depot and here we are on the sleeper.
“Brite and Fare”. Reached Huron this a.m. Saw Mrs. Tone and Mary. I have seen the Bad Lands, and river, The Cheyenne, etc. The country is beautiful I think. Didn’t see Charlie N. Reached Rapid at 7:30 a.m. so sleepy.
At Sturgis today with Anderson’s. We met Pres. Cook, etc. Then drove out to Ft. Meade at which a thousand soldiers are stationed. Anderson’s have two dear kids, not to mention a cute ponie(sic) I was afraid to ride. We got into Deadwood 9:30 this evening. The city is built right on the hills.
We went down the Spearfish Canyon. Ours was the 2nd train since the washout. The canyon was beautiful and we saw lots of old deserted mines. Reached Spearfish this noon. Horrid place. Walked to Norm’s. Thinking as usual.