Monday, October 1, 2007


Friday. October 1

Joy! Oh rapture! Jean is back again and Ix sits in her place. Went riding this p.m. after school with Kit and Miss Gantt. Jean is going to stay all night with me. Jean had a nice little chat with Mr. Fehn. Didn’t go home from school this noon.


Today Sadie, Mamma and I went out to Tommy Nolan’s for a picnic supper. I found five violets. Jean stayed all night with me last night. We went to bed quite early (in the morning). Am rather sleepy today.


Sadie, Ma and I went out to Mosher’s. We ate 5 apples. Am nearly dead as a result. Haven’t seen Miss Gantt or Jean since Friday. Read “Marriage of Mrs. Merlin’ today. Nothing much doing.


Stayed at the school house and worked this noon. Went down to Jeans after school. Bum lesson in Caesar today. Nothing much going on. Am pretty tired and rather nervous (‘Nough said). Must get to work tho’ at prose composition.


Sadie and Mamma went out to Mosher’s after apples. I stayed home and got supper. Nothing much doing today. Am awfully tired. Wish Jean would come down tonight.


Was over to Frenches for supper this evening and she helped me with my Latin. Went to the Lecture Course. It was pretty good. Am nearly dead. (Wuw – i – sus – huh – I – weuw – a – sus -).


Miss Gantt got after me today in school. Rode on my wheel for a couple of hours this p.m. Was over to Blanche’s a few minutes. Then was down at Wallace’s. Jean got off her base and just talked awful.

Rode a couple of miles on my wheel. Was over to Blanche’s again tonight. Review in Caesar today. I am tired of school all ready and only four weeks gone. Nothing doing.


Worked steady until 2:00. Jean was down this p.m. and we went to the show. It was perfectly punk. Am down at Wallace’s now. Guess Miss Gantt is going to stay all night too. She read me a grand old lecture about not staying at school.


Stayed all night with Jean last night. We didn’t go to bed until 11:00. Miss Gantt was there too and we stayed up and read. Stayed home all day long. Raining out now. Made candy etc.


It’s fearfully cold out today. We had our first snow, the earliest in the season we have had for twenty years. Walked home with Cad. Studied at school until 6:00. Am nearly dead. Nothing much doing. Papa is at Huron.


Had to stay for Caesar today. Mr. Fehn has not returned our geometry papers yet. I have given up all hope of ever getting them again. Studied at school until 5:30 this p.m. to make up for going home this noon.


Studied until 11:00 and s’pose I’ll have to get my Caesar too. I am so sleepy I can hardly stay awake, But I certainly must study my Caesar or Miss Gantt will scalp me. Saw Margaret Dyer. Stayed at school until 5:45.


Was out riding a little while with Miss G, Kit and Sadie. Miss G called me down in school today something about being underhand. Made me good and huffy cause I hadn’t done a blooming thing. She made up for if after school. Went tick tacking th’o.


Miss Gantt and Kit went for a little drive. Was down to the depot with Miss Gantt and Ma, Papa didn’t come on the first train. Jean and Grace K. were down this evening. Went ticktacking(sic) a little.


Have worked awfully hard all day. Haven’t seen Jean at all. Hitched up and ran a few errands for Mamma. Papa and she have gone to Aberdeen for a few days. Was over to Frenches and got my Caesar. Blanche is going to stay all night.


Haven’t seen Sadie since breakfast. Guess it’s a good ridance(sic). Miss French and I went out to the Industrial School and then Maud and Alice went riding. Wish Jean would come down.


Test in History this a.m. Failed as usual in Caesar and geometry recitation. Jean and Grace Homer were down for supper. Wanted Jean to stay all night but she couldn’t so asked Myrtle H. We went to the show and then out ticktacking. No fun th’o. Studied until 11:30.


Mamma and Papa came home today. We haven’t got our geometry papers back yet! I never saw such a slow man in all my life as Mr. Fehn. He makes me tired so he does.


Actually made a recitation in geometry today. Guess Fehn nearly fell over. Was over to Kit’s last night. Got home and Mamma was sick. Sat up with her until 2 o’clock. I am nearly dead tonight.


We had a test in Caesar and I will get a fierce grade because we had to draw a map. Makes me tired so it does. I am tired enough anyway.


Nothing much doing today. Got 90 in my History test. Had a test in Lit. this morning. Went down to woods after milk and just got soaked. It’s raining hard out yet. Stayed at school this noon.


Worked until 5:00 this day. Nell and Mr. Hasson are going to be here for supper. I am going to stay all night with Jean tonight. Washed the dog and cat this p.m. Haven’t seen Miss Gantt all day long. Heard from Nell.


Jean and I went to sleep early last night, about midnight I guess. Went riding a while this p.m. and then down to Wallace’s to see if she could go to, but she couldn’t. Sat by Miss Gantt tonight in church. She put her arm around me.


School again today. Got 96 in my Literature test. Didn’t come home from school this noon and so am rather tired. Feel kind of lonesome too. Haven’t seen much of Jean, as she is playing basketball all the time or else having interviews with Fehn, Cad or Hazel.


Test in geometry today. S’pose I’ll get an awful grade, as Mr. Fehn says he marks according to the way in which it appeals to him. Makes me tired. Was over to Kits a little while. Miss Gantt, Jean and I went driving.


Got 0 in geometry. I would like to slap Mr. Fehn’s face. Nothing else could give me so much pleasure. Oh, the dirty, unfair, wheep, I’d like to give him a piece of my mind if I didn’t need it all myself. I certainly won’t sass now.


Went down to Wallace’s to look up something in her grammar. Walked up town with Hazel. Then we went for quite a stroll. Stopped at May’s a few minutes. She said I passed in Music. Am awfully glad.


Got 99 ½ in Music test. Papa went to Soo Falls this evening. Was down to the depot. Saw Miss Gantt and Mrs. W. and Jean. Had quite a talk with Mr. Fehn in the drug store. Heard from Miss Sweet. Was down to Jean’s a few minutes.


Oh such a time as we have had tonight. Worked this p.m. until 4:00. Went out to Vinson’s. We six girls went up to Miss Gantt’s room and made fudge and marshmallows. The bed came down with Myrtle. All the pictures of Miss McAllister made me feel rather lonesome, th’o. Miss G. and I lay on the bed and she held me so close, just once. Stayed until 10:30.


Was sitting out on the porch when Miss G. came along and so I went to church with her. Was out walking awhile. It’s raining out now. Am dreadfully tired.

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