Wednesday. September 1
Met Papa at Hawarden this morning. Mamma is not much better. The cat has grown so I would hardly know him. The dog pivoted for about half an hour. Nell and I gave him a bath this p.m. Jean came over this evening and I surely was glad to see her. Sadie and I walked home with her. Stopped a few minutes to see Mrs. Wallace.
Have worked awfully hard today. Mamma is sick and I had to wait on her besides unpacking, etc. Saw Miss French this afternoon. Went up town with her. Was over to Hoffman’s this evening. Sadie and I went walking. Nell is going to Baldwin. She is nearly crazy.
Have put up twelve glasses of jelly and seven quarts of grape juice. Was over to Hoffman’s for supper. Nellie Zable and Nell Nichols were there afterwards. I went over to Frenches for a few minutes. Mamma is not to well today.
Nell, Sadie and I have been working all day long. Nellie Nichols, Nell Zable and I rode this p.m. Sadie and I this evening. We left poor *“Mikey” in the cold, dark barn all night long. He must be lonesome, but Sadie ate him the next morning. Miss G came this eve, but I haven’t seen her.
*Could possibly be an apple doll.
Nell Z., Nell E., Jess and I went walking. Then went over to Jess’es for supper. Made candy, etc. Nothing much doing. Haven’t seen Jean for an awfully long time it seems. I haven’t had time to go up there and I ‘spose she’s busy too. Gee! But I’m lonesome.
School started this morning. We just enrolled for our classes and found out what books to get. Mr. Fehn is a funny “feller”. It seems so good to see Miss Gantt. She is just as dear as ever (if not more so). Jean was down this p.m. Went up to the library and over to May’s.
Lessons started today. I just hate geometry! It’s the crazyest(sic) stuff I ever saw. Makes me tired so it does. Miss G changed some seats and Mr. Fehn changed them all back again. He certainly is a funny old duffer.
Arose at the unearthly hour of 5:30. Rode three miles on my wheel this morning. Walked home with Miss Gantt this noon. Have worked so hard all day long and am as tired as can be. Studied on geometry, but I am no nearer to getting it now than when I started.
Tired? No name for it. Sadie and I bumed(sic) abound tonight. Went up to Wallace’s for a few minutes. I hate geometry. We have Caesar in the office and Miss G makes me sit right next to that red Callahan. Makes me tired, so it does. I just love Caesar th’o.
Pretty tired tonight. Jess and I went driving; then Anna May, Miss Osmotherly and I. I think she is rather nice. Jean had gone to Richland to stay over Sunday and it'’ a pretty bum town without her. Guess I’ll go to Soo City with Nell.
Thundered like everything last night. Made me think of - it frightened me. Didn’t go to S. City after all Sadie and I went on a bum this p.m. Went walking with Jess this eve. Made jell this morning. Wish Jean were with me tonight.
Haven’t done much of anything today. Went to church with Miss Gantt – guess that’s something worth putting down. It has seemed awfully lonesome without Jean all day long. But will see her tomarrow I suppose. Was over to Jess’es this p.m. Made candy, etc.
13 & 14
Felix made a grease spot of a worm today. Heavens – I nearly fainted. Was down to Jeans for supper tonight. Miss Gantt was pretty tired, and Jean too, I guess. Nothing much doing. Can’t see thr’u geometry to save my neck. It gets worse every day and I’m tired and Sadie and I are sitting up studying. It’s now twelve and I don’t know anymore about his horrid geometry than when I started so guess I’ll go to bed. Will have to get up early, I guess and try some more.
Felt punk all day. Tonight I capped the climate by having a chill, then fever, etc. Made me tired so it did. Folks wouldn’t let me study and I didn’t have any of my lessons! I had to let them go to smash. I am so tired. Wanted Jean to come down, but she could not.
What do you think? Miss G. said she liked Jean and me better than the rest. I nearly fell over. Wonder if she really does. She, Jean and I went riding for a while this evening. I wanted to take her after school, but she was busy lecturing Helen. (Wish she had given Helen a kick for me, so I do).
Dreamed last night Miss Mc came back to teach. My I would like to see her. We sat up until twelve last night studying. Jean came down last night. She said Miss Gantt went off and cried last night after Helen had talked so. Confound that Volmer. I would like to half kill her so I would, making my H.G. feel so bad.
18Today Myrtle, Nell Sadie and I went on a picnic at Vinson’s. Got caught in the rain going home. Just got soaked. Jean was going with us, but Miss Sweet was there for supper – was sorry.
Jean, Sadie, Nell and I went riding this afternoon. Jean came down in the evening and we lay out in the hammock, and talked. I just don’t know what I would do without her. I th’ot I saw Sadie and asked if “he” was with her and it was someone else.
What do you know about it? Fehn was out with Anna May until some time this morning. Makes me tired. Sadie and I got excused at 4:00. Nell went away this p.m., and we had to help to get her off. Wish Jean were here tonight. I am so tired.
Geometry test came off today. I will get the beautiful grade of 33 1/3. Sadie wrote at the bottom of her paper. “Slam it down, Bang it down, Anyway to get it down.” Wonder what Mr. F. will say.
Studied until twelve. Am too tired to see straight now. Nothing much doing. Our English books have come. Wish Jean were here now, but I am all alone, alone.
Miss Gantt got after me today ‘cause I laughed. I really couldn’t help it tho, Felix was so funny. Wish I hadn’t laughed now, cause it made H. mad as a wet hen. Mamma, Sadie and I went driving this evening. Have to cram for tests tonight.
Had lots of fun in school today. Sadie started a postal to Mr. Fehn and everyone wrote something different. Frenchy wrote, “Oh joy, you haven’t shaved.” We had a test in Caesar and one in History. know I will get an awful grade.
Went to Sioux City on the five thirty train this morning. Got a new hat, dress, etc. Sadie ate too much candy and heaved up Jonah all the way home, not to mention in the sleeve of my best and only jacket.
26 & 27
Jean was down this p.m. We went riding a few minutes. Sadie is no good, she went and sneaked my diary off and read everything in the back of the book – all about Hazel and Jean – the ones nearest and dearest to my heart. I could nearly have killed her, I was so angry -–words cannot express what I would like to say. Stayed all night with Jean. We didn’t go to sleep until 2:30. What do you know about it? Miss Sweet was there for breakfast. Last night Nell P., Glen W., and I went riding with Vinson’s horse. Fun.
Was down to Jean’s last night. Had to come home early though, as Leon G. was here. I went riding a little while. Was over to French’s and got all my Caesar for tomarrow(sic) (for a wonder). I am sure Miss G. will faint if I have my lesson.
Oh horrors! Jean has had her seat changed to the front. I nearly died. She was down after school and after supper. I, Cad and Blanche went driving. Pretty good time. It’s certainly swell out, as moonlight as can be.
Got 90 in Caesar test. Punk lesson in Caesar today. Was over to Jeans this evening. Went to the show afterwards, and it was pretty good. Am awfully tired. Guess I’ll have to study my horrid old geometry. Heard from Nell and Edwin and Kenneth.