Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Saturday. May 1, 1909

We were going to have our picnic today, but at the last minute, everyone backed out. Makes me tired so it does.





Oh dear, I have left this poor old book so long that I have forgotten everything. So will just have to let it go.



Was down to Jean’s last night. Miss Fantt was there. We made candy for the picnic. Gee, but we had a perfect circus. Then we went out riding. Miss Fantt and I. She’s a perfect dear so she is. Kate went with us to. I like them both very much.


Picnic today. Started 9:30. Miss G. too and Kate. Runaway. Ran into the telephone post, and knocked it over. Nearly everyone jumped out. Miss Gantt hurt her leg. Was awfully tired when we got home. Then I went over to Kits a little while. My but I am tired and sunburned.


Went out to Vinson’s, this morning. Am just about what you might say, all in, except my shoe strings. Went riding this p.m. with Kit and Miss Gantt around my Vinson’s and home by the Missouri. Miss F. had hurt herself quite badly. I am awfully sorry.


Kit is the biggest josh I ever saw. Always talking of her Doane. Just got sin today in school cause I slapped Herbert. Test in Latin and only got 79. Highest grade th'o. Miss M. and I went riding.


Miss M. and I went riding again tonight after school. She said that she th’ot I didn’t like to have her go etc. But I finally got her to change her mind. She said for me not to wait so long next time. We had a dog fight on the way home.


Physical Geog. test this morning. I didn’t know one thing, either. Had to sit on the front seat. Boo Hoo. My pictures came today. They are awful dear. I mean of Miss Gantt. I will have to show them to her tomarrow(sic). Was down to Jean’s tonight.


Test in Latin and we had all translations of Latin sentences into English. Mark B. gave all the sentences to Milton and there were three teachers in the room when he did it. What do you know about that? Miss Sweet just drives me crazy.


Test in English today. Talk about cheating! Nearly everyone in the room cheated. Miss Gantt went away so Kit taught in her place. Pearl and I were down to Jean’s. They had some kind of a tea. Miss M. was there too. We had some fun. She’s mad at something th’o.


Jean and I were up to the school house nearly all day long. We had a bum old time. Miss G and M. are leviteh at Soo City. Went up to the show this p.m. Pretty good. Jean was down for supper and then we went walking.


Went down to Vinson’s this morning with Uncle Mike and Alice. No fun. Was over to Hoffman’s for dinner and we had a fine time. Took a picture of Miss Gantt, Miss M., Jess and Kit out on Hoffman’s step. Hope it’s good.


Was a good (?) little girl today. Cuffed Roy S. and got caught. Miss Gantt and S. went riding after school. She's a fine teacher, all right. After supper took a book to her and then up to Frenches. Was over to Foxes a few minutes. Today is Kit's birthday.


Miss G. and M. tried to ride my wheel. Fun! Don’t mention it. Miss M. didn’t know how. Then Jean and I went down cellar – Hum. Guess there was something doing then. Miss MacAllister and I went riding. The darling, I dearly love her. We were both feeling sad.


I can’t see why Miss Sweet is so unjust to me, but if she don’t like me she don’t have to. I don’t care anymore. Jean and I were over to Miss M.’s this morning. It just poured tonight and I was out without any umbrella. I just got soaked. Was over to Foxes.


Miss MacAllister and I started out for the ditch tonight. We got out as far as Main’s and then it just poured. We turned around in a hurry to. Then I had to go up to the school house after my wheel. Went over to Kits and she helped me with my Viri Romae. Miss G.’s sister, Ethel is coming tomarrow (sic).


Oh. Have had more fun today! Miss Sweet kept Jean and I after school. She said she was thoroughly disgusted with us and that she never was so angry in all her life at any scholar. Oh, but is was funny. I wanted to laugh awfully bad, but I succeeded someway in keeping my face straight.


Went to a silhouette social last night. I had Prof. C. for my partner for supper. Now that was fun. Alice and I went to Vinson’s and I lost my jacket. Jean and I went to the show. It wasn’t good. Was down to Wallace’s a little while. Ethel fell in a pail of water. She got just soaked. Wish Jean could have stayed all night.


Heard last night that Miss Sweet had gone and blabed(sic) a lot of stuff about Jean and me to Lucile. We are going to tell Prof. C. tomarrow. Didn’t have much fun today. It’s just pouring down now and I feel sort of blue, so I do. Wish somebody loved me. Wish Miss McAlllister and Miss Gantt loved me a little, but I guess I’m too crazy.


Was terribly sick today. Caught cold and I have a stiff neck, sore throat and rhumatism(sic). Th’ot I would never get thru Latin class. Jean br’ot me home and then Blanche Sagan came and took me over to Foxes, because there was no one home with me. Dr. Hawes was over tonight and the horrid thing gave me some awful medicine for my throat. Glory, but it was bitter.


Went to school today, but don’t feel very well. My neck is so stiff, I can’t turn my head a bit and I can hardly talk either.


Didn’t go to school this morning cause ma wouldn’t let me. I just have to go this p.m. because we have an exam in music. Got our tests back – 92 in P.G. and 97 in English (good reason why). Ma’s over to Frenches tonight. She was helping me with Latin and in came Miss M. and G. Walked home with Miss Gantt alone as Miss Mc had gone on before.


Miss French phoned and asked me if I wanted some help, so I went over. We reviewed verbs. Am going to take Caesar from her this summer. Won’t that be just dandy? I will have a good start and lots of fun besides. Was over to Hoffman’s tonight. Miss G. and M. were there. I went in and got something for Miss Gantt to wear. She said I was a darling. Nearly fell over.


Was over to Kits for a while after supper. Am going over for supper tomarrow. Put Latin rules on the board for 80 minutes this afternoon for Miss Gantt and am awfully tired. Must go to school and copy them tomarrow.



Don’t know what I did today. Have forgotten. Guess I went to the show, but I don’t know. Guess I’m crazy tonight. Jean stayed all night, made coffee and had a grand time-Hum.


Jean and I went walking. Then Margaret Mangan, Jess and I. After church Miss Gantt and I and Jess and Miss McAllister took a walk. We went way up by the schoolhouse.


Decaration(sic) day – but didn’t go to the excercises(sic). Miss Gantt, Jean and myself went driving. We ran errands for Prof. C. – got lamps, curtains, a spinning wheel and everything imaginable. Ma br’ot home the ugliest jacket I ever saw. I just won’t wear it, so there.