Thursday, November 1, 2007


Monday. November 1

Went to Epworth League last night. Worked until 5:30 tonight after school. Am so tired now that I could just cry. I want Jean or someone to love me. My throat is sore and my head aches and I wish I was dead and gone and buried. Could be a good ridance.


Washed today. Sadie and I cramed(sic) history until 11:00, but I don’t know anything more than when I started. Am nearly dead guess I’ll go to bed. Head aches as usual.


Miss Gantt, Sadie and I went driving. Miss G. was just as dear as could be. Then Cad and I went for a little while. She is nice, but can’t come up to Miss G. Awful hard exam in History got 94 ½ in it. Not so bad as it might be.


Exam in English and Latin. Studied until 10:30. Miss Gantt, Jean and I went riding. Jean was down for supper. We went over to Miller’s to see about geometry. I got 75 and I only made one little mistake too, makes me weary.


Went to a ball game. Played with Hawarden and we were beaten 29 to 0. I rooted as hard as I could too. Exam in geometry. I know I didn’t get a one right. It makes me tired so it does. Miss Gantt went to Vermillion; I suppose Miss Vaugh and her sister came.


Am nearly dead tonight. This p.m. Jean and I walked out to the “y” and out past the tree at Stickney’s. We went down to the depot to meet Miss Gantt, but she had company, so we went on home. Was over to Cads for awhile. Was down to Jeans this evening. Had lots of fun. Threw Calip, etc.


Ransome and George came on the early train. Have worked steady until 2:00. Jean came down and we went driving. Mrs. Wallace went too. Jean fell out of the baggy and I th’ot she had half killed herself. Was awfully frightened. We went to C.E.

8, 9, 10

Have forgotten what I did for the next three days as I mislaid my poor old diary and was able to find if for over a week so will have to let it go – we were supposed to have gotten our report cards today, but that Fehn is so measly slow. I wish he would wake up once in a while. It makes me tired simply to look at him. Oh jocks! Sadie said, “Say, do you know who your dog reminds me of?” Flo, “No. Who?” Sadie, “Mr. Perisho.” F, “Mr. Perisho? Why of all things, why?” S, “Oh just his expression and the way he walks.” Joke!!!!


Went to school at 8:00 – didn’t go home at noon and worked until 5:30 at night so I am rather tired. I wrote my magazine article, “Cliff Dwellers who are Wine Makers” in the Travel Magazine, Nov.


Jean stayed all night. We are just going to bed at 1:30. Don’t know when we will go to sleep. The J.U.G. held it’s first meeting here this evening. We popped corn, made candy and so forth.


Worked steady until 5:30 this evening and am dreadfully tired. Would go down to Jeans only I am not sure she wants me and besides I’m so tired and nervous. Wish Jean were here instead.


Went to M.E. Church tonight. Listened to one song which was all I could stand, so went home. Was over to Aunt Liva’s for dinner. Went up to see Alice for a while. It was the first time I had seen her in two months.


Mamma, Sadie and Papa are all at Sioux City today and I am all alone. Wrote my book review. No school, as teachers are visiting schools in Sioux City. It is snowing like fury out. Met Ma at the train.


Handed in my Book Review on “The Marble Farm”. It has snowed about eight inches. Joy be! We J.U.G. girls will have to have a bob ride. Nothing much doing in school.


Miss French visited our Caesar class this p.m. Was over this evening and got my Caesar. Went to an entertainment at courthouse. Worked at school until 5:30 and my head aches and I’m tired – so tired.


Stayed up at school until after dark. Miss Gantt said that all we girls conduct ourselves as perfect ladies while up in her room (except Pearl). Quite a comp(liment). Sadie and I were over to Frenches and in walked Mr. Fehn. Was so embarrased(sic).


Mr. Cumming’s took me in the office tonight after school because I only got 61 in geometry. I can’t help it. I work and work on the old stuff and that’s all the good it does me. I’m just as discouraged as can be – and nobody cares for me!


Am so tired tonight as I have worked hard all day. Haven’t seen anything of Jean. Sadie and I went down to Homers for a little while to see about geom., but I was too tired. to get anything out of her explanation. Snowing out again.


Went to the first tabernacle meeting. Oh dear. I certainly feel punk. Guess that 61 in geom. affected my good temper. Wish I could see Miss McAllister for about five minutes. Just to see her and be near her. Honestly, I get so lonesome sometimes and I wish for someone great and strong to whom I could tell everything and know they would understand.


It was pitch dark when I left the school house tonight. Went to hear Father Daly lecture. Got our report cards. Geom. 61, Caesar 89, Literature 92, History 91, Music 99, general aide 86 2/5.


Miss Gantt and I went cutter riding after school. She said, she would disown me if I didn’t pass in Caesar, so I see where I have to get to work good and hard. After supper. Mrs. Cummings, Sadie and I then Sad, I, Jean and Miss Gantt for a while. I sat on Miss G.’s lap and she held me so close, just once.


Miss Gantt’s program came off today and it was a dandy. She went home on the 4:00 train. Sadie, Jean and I went to church and heard some perfectly punk preaching. I am going to stay all night with Jean.


Stayed with Jean and we didn’t go to sleep until after twelve. I just wanted to put my head on Jean’s shoulder and cry and cry. I felt so foolish. Don’t know what’s the matter with me anyhow. Guess I’m crazy.


Have worked awfully hard all day long and am nearly dead. Jean was down this p.m. and I went up there for supper. She is going to stay all night with me. I am so glad, cause I am lonesome and discouraged and tired.


Went over to Kits for a while this p.m. I worked for two solid hours on geom. and I can’t get a bit of it. I guess I am just a miserable old failure anyway.


Went to S.S., church, Epworth League, and then to church again. Gee, but I’m getting good. Finished Ves Crupia. Sadie and I made fudge. Mr. Fehn was here to see if he could get a room. Thank goodness, or rather thank mamma, he can’t. Millers fired him.


That measly old Mr. Fehn made the whole room stay until 5:00 o’clock just because away last Wednesday someone threw a rubber out the window. He makes me tired. Had a test in History. Never again will I recite in geom. unless I am dead sure of the prop.


More fun today then a circus. Ole Ringsrud took Mr. Fehn’s hat and put it under the water pail, then the boys kicked it around and at last put it between the 2 stairways in the hall. Tonight, he had a lamp looking all over for it. Went to church last night.

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