Sunday. August 1, 1909
After a great fuss and flurry, we started for Avery’s this a.m. Alice and I climbed a big hill. Afterward we all climbed another to see the sunset. Alice and I climbed down the steep rim rock about 50 feet high. Am awfully tired.
Went trout fishing for the first time today and only caught one. Guess I spent too much time looking for stones. Found three agates. Alice and I went down to the Lethia Spring this afternoon. We had lots of fun.
Alice and I walked to the Big Pool after trout. Had an awful time fording the creek. Then we lost our hooks and broke our poles. We certainly are two unlucky mortals. We all drove to Beulah. Heard from Nell P., Jean and Miss McAllister.
I was awfully sick last night and so was Nell. Didn’t go to sleep until 1:30. Have been reading all day. Have read “Soldiers of Fortune,” “Lola and Captain Macklin”. Alice and I went wading in the irragation(sic) ditch. Wish Jean were here. Am tired and blue.
Today we drove up the canyon four miles. It is much more wild and rocky there. Papa and Mr. Avery caught trout for dinner. I climbed a big hill behind the house this evening after dark. They seem awfully big and lonesome at night.
Went up to Boydon’s today. Climbed a big steep mountain. I found five agates. Papa, Nell and I fished. Only caught two. Papa five, Nell nothing. Got caught in a thunder shower and had to come home. Am awfully tired. It is still raining. Wish I could see Jean.
I am awfully tired tonight, although I haven’t done much of anything except to lie around and read. Finished “Glenwood” and started “For a Free Conscience.” Alice and I climbed the hill, where Nell took our pictures. Went to Beulah. Heard from Kit and Lottie
Was sick in bed all day. Nell kicked me out last night, so I slept on the floor and caught cold. Have read “Wanted: A Chaperone” and “Dorothy Vernon of Haddan Hall.” All the folks have gone to Beulah and I am all alone. It is storming like everything. Gee, the thunder sounds loud.
This morning we started off for dinner. When we got there discovered there wasn’t any hotel so Mrs. Avery asked a lady if we could stay there. We three girls slept on the floor. Walked down to the tin mine, climbed Green Mountain. I am awfully tired.
This morning Alice, Nell and I gathered birch bark. Then we picked red raspberries about twenty five quarts in all. We camped at a spring and reached home about 4 o’clock. Nell and Mamma have gone to Beulah. Hope I get some mail.
Our last day at Sand Creek. Papa caught thirty-five trout, Nell at last saw a snake, Mamma found two new birds and I climbed the hills all by myself. Mrs. Avery and I drove to Beulah this evening. I heard from Grace and Sid.
Arose at the scandelous(sic) hour of half past four. We started for Spearfish about 7:00. Mr. Cook took us up to the fish hatchery and to an artesian well. Mrs. and Irene Atmore are visiting here too. Have only heard from Jean once. Wonder what’s the matter.
Climbed Lookout Mt. this morning. About noon discovered I had left mamma’s bird books so had to go all the way back. Talk about tired. I was nearly dead. We left Spearfish this evening. At Deadwood we saw Alice, Maud, Antoine and Jule. It seemed good to see someone from home.
This morning we went over to Lead. Went thru the hoist and stamping mills. It was certainly interesting. Miss DeVinna was with us. Saw John C. We reached Pres. Fulton’s camp about 9:30. We sat around the campfire for about an hour. Wished for F. and H.
Have had lost of fun today. Dr. Fulton told me all about the rocks etc. We went thru an old mine from which wulfrum is obtained. I have several pieces. We also saw a shaft 500 ft. deep. Marion, Bertha and I waded in the creek.
This morning the “goils” and I picked raspberries and waded in the creek and caught frogs. It made me think of Miss Mc. We drove eleven miles to Silvan Lake. It is beautiful, but such a little dinky thing. We went for a long row this eve.
We climbed Harney Pk. on burros this morning. I was on the leader “Jerry”, Nell took a header off “Bunso”. Pa and I climbed up on the needles. We had a fine view from the peak – highest point in S.D. – could see Bad Lands etc. Put our cards in the post office. I am terribly stiff. Rode on the stagecoach to Custer.
Reached Hot Springs at 12:30 p.m. our train was awfully late. Heard from Jean at last. We went out to Wind cave. It was awfully interesting. We took the Fair grounds route. Tonight we went up the plunge. We had lots of fun. Met Aunt Clara this afternoon.
Got up at five o’clock this morning to catch the early train. Reached the claim about eleven. Went horse back riding this p.m. Papa and I played cards. I am going to sleep out on the porch in the hammock. Jiminy! But I am sleepy. 5:30 is too early for me.
This morning I chased all over after the old horse “Frank”. Then I went riding on him. Papa went away today. While everyone was gone I started to lie out on the grass and read when about two feet away was a rattler. I was stocking footed so ran and got my shoes and hoe. When I got back he was gone.
We drove fourteen miles to Hasson’s. Heavens! But it was hot. We went to see the rattle snake Mrs. Thurston killed. It had ten rattles. On our way back we saw another, but it got away. Maud T. and Mother were over this evening. We played flinch.
Mamma, Aunt C., Nell and I walked over to Cottonwood Creek. Found a good many agates. Then Mr. Thurston took us down to the Cheyenne R. I rode horseback with Faye T. I certainly had some fun. After dinner we walked down to the Cottonwood, Mamma killed another rattler with nine rattles.
It has been so hot today. Mr. McDuff gave me the rattles of a snake he killed this morning. Nell and I drove to Buffalo Gap. It certainly is a punk little burg. On the way back, we met some Indians and Frank nearly upset us. The buggy went way up on two wheels. No mail yet.
A little cooler today. This simply caps the climax! I was up on the hill looking for Frank when I saw a rattler close in front o me. It coiled, rattled and struck at me, but never hurt me a bit. If I had had the hoe I would have killed it, but it got away.
Washed this morning. Nell and I drove to Buffalo Gap. On the way back travel saw some Indians and nearly upset us. The buggy went up on two wheels. Scared? Don’t mention it. We drove all over the claim this p.m.
Made the stone walk. Left Buffalo Gap this p.m. Aunt Clara went to get us some sandwiches and the train started, so we didn’t get to bid her goodbye. Walked around Rapid and bought curios. Nothing much doing. Am awfully sleepy.
Left Rapid this morning. Reached Philip at noon. Beryl and all the Tone’s were here to meet us. Ate dinner with Miss Orr. Rode horseback all afternoon. Went for a picnic supper at the Bad River. Climbed the hill, played games, etc. About 25 of us.
Climbed the hills this morning and rode horse back. Fatty left early. Reached Uncle Jim’s at seven this evening. We came up from Blunt in an auto in about an hour. It’s a seventeen-mile drive too. We certainly had some fun. I am dreadfully sleepy.
Took a sixty mile auto ride over to the Missouri River today. We surely went a whizzing part of the time. I got as dirty as an old negro and awfully tired too. Stole plums, but couldn’t find any watermelons. Isadore isn’t feeling well, alth’o Herbert is doing his best to comfort her.
Mr. Nelson took us auto riding this evening. Had a pretty good ride. I sat on the front seat and ran the machine for a little while. A stack of kids are coming over tonight so no sleep for me until 12:00 – I am awfully sleepy too. Wiped dishes and waited on the table.
Arose at the unearthly hour of 3:00 o’clock this morning and went seventeen miles in the auto in a cold wind and then missed our train. Made me tired, so it did. We went Otto(sic) riding this afternoon. He’s the funniest fellow I ever saw. Reached Huron at eleven. Couldn’t get berths, so sat up all the way to Hawarden. Reached here at 8:00 a.m.