Tuesday. June 1, 1909
Jean and I helped Miss Gantt clean out her desk and carry the books home. Miss Sweet sent me to the office. Said I would have to see Prof. Before I would take exams. You bet I will
The seniors class play comes off tonight. Took exam in English and algebra. Was out riding. Took Miss Gantt to the courthouse and Miss McAllister uptown. June S. is coming on the evening train. The play was just fine.
Exam in Phys. Geog. and Latin. Got 91 in Latin, 65 in algebra and 94 in English exams. On my card I got 89 – Latin, 96 music, 88 English, 78 algebra. Don’t know what I got in P. Geog. yet. Got home early from exams. Papa has gone to Green Lake fishing a few days.
Went up to the schoolhouse this morning after my card, but it wasn’t ready yet. Prof. C. always is the last to get our cards. June S. went home this p.m. Then Margaret Mangan and I ran errands for Miss Gantt. We went up to the chinamen’s four times after her collars. Then Miss Sweet, Jean and I went for a walk.
Sid, Mamma, and I went for ‘a picnic’ out on the Sioux by Belmires. Caught an old carp. Got my report card when I got home. Latin 89, English 88, Phys. Geog. 86, Music 96 and algebra 78 (of course, Miss Sweet could give me a good grade).
Jean and I went walking. A full account may be seen in the back of the book on these conditions: Never tell anyone, trust me and believe it all. Do not think me silly and above all things. Don’t laugh – But no one must ever read it – unless sometime I can let my Jean read it.
I was down to Jean’s for supper tonight. We read each other’s diaries on the way home. They were awfully funny.
Mr. Munson died Sunday. His funeral was today. Jean was down all afternoon. We had such a jolly (?) time. I read the rest of her diary over on the bed. Something in it made me feel bad and something else made me feel better, then we went riding and Jean stayed for supper.
Jean and I went to Vermillion tonight. We are staying at the Waldorf. Saw Glen and Helen Collins, besides my own dear Miss Mc and Miss Sweet to. We went to the law commencement, where we saw Hazel and Kit. Jean and I went home all alone from the University.
Jean and I walking this morning. I believe we took in the whole town. We were wandering around looking for Mrs. Wights when we heard Miss Mc call to us. She and Miss Sweet were there and we went in. Later we all went over to Mrs. Wights and then went to the commencement. Came home this p.m. Jean is down here now. Got the dearest angora cat at Vermillion I ever saw.
Nothing much doing except Jean and I went up after Hazels things. Mrs. Flannery gave us a whole raft of *truck, but we lugged it all home and Jean tied them all up and put them in a shoe box. She put in an old brick too. Glory, but that box is heavy.
*Commodities appropriate to barter or to exchange.
We took the box down to Miss Gantt. She decided she would leave it with us, but forgot to. Miss Mc and Miss Gantt are gone for good now. Don’t suppose I will see them again untill(sic) next fall. Jean was down this p.m. and we played croquet.
It’s awfully hot out. I am nearly melted. Gee, I feel cross as an old bear. Went to league with Jean. We sat up on the platform and Pearl Barr threw a cat in the window. It ran across the platform and out the door. You ought to have heard those kids laugh. Floy was so mad.
Institute started today. Mr. Perisho, Mr. Trettien, Miss Dolan and Miss McCumber all room here. I have to sleep over the kitchen, and it is so hot. Papa went away today. I go to institute. Take Phys. Geog. and water colors. Jean and I have lots of fun.
Mr. Perisho showed me all the stars. Jupiter, Antares in Scorpio, the Arrgin, the Sickle, the Celestial Triangle, Denew in the Great Northern Cross, Vega in Lyra and Alter in Aquilla. Then I went up to Wallace’s and stayed all night. Had lots of fun.
We played croquet tonight until after dark. We played partners. Mr. Perisho and I against Mama and Jean. Then we looked at the stars again. I am nearly dead now. Guess I’ll go to bed.
17 & 18
Sadie came this morning. I was so glad to see her. Gee, but she is a peach of a looker, lots prettier. We all smoked glasses and went up to the school house to see the eclipse of the sun. Could see it real plain. It entered at the left hand side and went off at the top. Then all us kids painted up Caesar and crawled way up on the roof of the school house. We could see all over. Then we played croquet. Was expecting Gladys tonight, but she didn’t come. Miss Vaught came tonight.
Today Mamma, Miss Vaughn and I went on a picnic at Vinson’s. Then we drove on down to the Missouri, which is cutting like fury. Sadie and I had lots of fun tonight. She certainly is the limit. Tried to choke me, etc.
What a crazy dummy I am. I went and wrote in July instead of June, but can’t change it now.
102° in the shade. It is terribly hot today. I am nearly roasted. I have a new name for the dog Wullie – Mr. Perisho calls him that, the ornery thing. We had only part of the children’s day exercises because it rained and not many were there. They are going to give it over next Sunday.
Picked ten quarts of strawberries this morning. I am so tired I can hardly stand up. Sadie, Jean and I went out to the Missouri R. for a picnic. We had lots of fun. Then when we got home Sadie and I went to the show. Jean was too tired, poor kid.
Went upstairs this p.m. all alone. I felt awfully blue and miserable. Made a fool of myself for a couple of hours then hitched up the horse and went up to the library. Alice, Maud and Kate ran off with my horse. Jean was down tonight after supper and is going to stay all night.
I washed, filed and painted all my balls and mallets this morning. It is cloudy and sultry out. Papa came home today. We are having a very bad storm. It is just raining down cats and dogs, and thundering like sixty. Mr. Perisho and Trettien were here for supper. Went to S.D. program at the courthouse.
Slept until 10:30 this morning. I got a hot dinner this a.m. no good at all. Isadore came this p.m. Dr. Trettien and I played against Ma and Issy. We beat three games out of four. Jean didn’t come down today. Missed her so much.
Mr. Trettien went away this morning. There were graduation excercises at the courthouse. Ruth was down here. Nell got home this p.m. Seems good to see her. Sadie and I played croquet against Prof. Perisho and Isadore. Of course they won.
It has been so hot today. Ruth went away this evening. Jesse H. came this p.m. and we went to the picture show. It was great fun. Haven’t seen Jean for ages. Guess she has forgotten me.
94° in the shade today. Jean and I went to Epworth League. We are going to have a picnic next week. We had children’s day tonight and I had to read an old response. Then I went home with Jean and stayed all night with her. I was awfully nervous.
Mamma, Jess, Isadore and Nell all went to the river and left me all alone. Started for Jeans, but got switched off at the Idle Hour. It was very good (?) I fixed my kodak book this afternoon. Jocks, but I am nervous tonight. Guess I’ll go upstairs.
Mamma, Jess, Isadore, Nell and I went out to Vinson’s grove for a picnic. We took Tip and we had an awful time. He jumped out and started for home once. Then on the way home he got loose and started back to the woods. Was so funny we nearly died laughing.
Today was Jean’s birthday. Was going out riding, but decided to go to the show instead. It was bum. Jean was there too. I have got it from all sides today. I guess everyone is tired of having me around. I wish that I were dead. No one would care any way.
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