Monday. March 1, 1909
Still slushy out doors. Mary went away today. Miss Sweet of course made me stay. Didn’t get home until after five. The very idea. Prof. C. advised us to talk matter over with her. Like fun I will. Wonder what she thinks she will profit by picking on Jean and me. She don’t hurt anyone but herself.
Tonight had to stay again. Miss S. wouldn’t excuse Jean. D. May was awful sore at her. Played cards all eve. Went up to Jeans to see about algebra, but only stayed a minute. Lots of fun th’o. Miss G. and M. came as usual. Just my luck.
Dear Miss Sweet – Jean is to be excused at 4:40 on Tuesdays. Hope it will not be necessary to write another note, this being the second one I have written. Mrs. H.M.W.
Ha!Ha! Pretty good joke I think. Made her sore of course. Kit gave me some coral beads. Beauties. Have them all strung already.
Had to help Kit serve at her party. Miss J. and the rest were there. Miss G. is just as dear as she can be. I just---. Hannah was over tonight. Lots of fun. We were fighting and I thot(sic) she would go into hysterics. Papa has gone away again. Was excused tonight at 3:20. Came back th’o.
Hannah was down last night and we had a fight out in the hall. Made candy, but it was awful. Gonie and I set it out on the porch to cool and forgot it all. Am going to Jean’s tonight.
Stayed all night with Jean. Fun galore. Dressed up in Mr. W.’s hat and coat and painted whiskers. I looked awfully funny. Went riding with Ma and Sid. Ate warm bread, and raisons(sic). Oh my, don’t mention it. Talk about sick.
Sick. Didn’t eat anything all day.
Sicker. Didn’t eat anything.
Sickest. Didn’t eat a thing.
Ate a little this morning. Jean and Erma was over to see me. Talk about your neuralgia! Talk about your nine kinds of medicines, 8 kinds of pills and two kinds of powders-oh my!!!
Today is my birthday and me sick in bed. Pa gave me $2, ma-paper, grandma gave me hair ribbons and a pretty pillow cover, Erma and Jean gave me hair ribbons awfully pretty, and Nell sent dandy flower guide – peach.
Jean and Eva were down a few minutes. I am getting awful tired of lying in bed all day, doing nothing. I wish I could go to school, but I can’t go next week either. Perfectly terrible!
Mrs. S. sick – couldn’t come. I layed(sic) on the lounge. Pa brought me some very pretty flowers from S.C. last night. Ate an egg yesterday and it made me sick. Oh my!
Was up quite a bit today. Got scared when I looked in the glass, saw how thin I was and went back to bed in the morning. Got up again later. Carrie R. is going to work for us. Oh joy – rest.
Was up all day long today. Kit came to see me and then Miss G. I was so surprized(sic) you could have knocked me down. She was as nice as could be and I was so glad to see her. Hope she comes again soon.
Irma came over today. We played cards. Beat her four games. Carrie is here – came yesterday. Am so tired of doing nothing but lie in bed all the time. Can’t read or do anything.
Feel better today. Believe I will go to school tomarrow(sic), if they will let me. Wonder what all I have missed. Jean was down a little while tonight. Played cards all day as usual.
Joy! Went to school this p.m. Took a test in algebra and got 100. The kids wrote me so many notes. Will keep me busy reading. Got excused and went over to Miss Mc’s. Hadn’t been over for ages according to her. “What are you doing up here?”
Ma wouldn’t let me go to school today and I wanted so bad to see Miss Gantt’s program. Jean was down tonight and she said it was fine. Trendy must have looked comical washing clothes etc. Ate ice cream. Never hurt me a bit.
Went up town today. Then Jean and I went down to Foxes to see Miss Sweet. She made button holes while Jean sat trying to keep up the conversation. We made things lively by getting in a fight. Then we went down to Wallace’s and got one of those Indian pictures.
Went to Sunday School and Junior League today. Then over to Hoffman’s to read. Saw Miss G. and M. Walked way up to Wallie’s and then she wasn’t there so came back to church. Talk about sore knees!
Went up down this morning. Then Fatty Nichols asked me over to dinner. Fine time. Went to school this p.m. Wanted to take test in English, but forgot to. Miss Sweet got after me for standing on the register (of course).
Took the test in English before school this morning. Only got 83. Then took test in music in Latin period. Miss Gantt was sore about it, but I couldn’t help it. Had to take it then or never. My! But I missed a lot. Spose I’ll get terrible grades.
Exams began today. English and algebra. Got 92 in English and 57 in algebra. But I’ll get 80 on my report card. Not so bad, as it might be. Am awfully tired all ready and Latin tomarrow(sic). Will have to cram.
Phys. Geography and Latin today. Awfully hard. Missed a whole lot in Latin. Went down to Jean’s to cram music and of course Miss Gantt was there. Jean and I went in the other room to study. Miss G. caught Clara R. cheating today.
Music this morning. Ought to get a fair grade. Got thru in 20 minutes and had to sit and do nothing the rest of the time. Program and exhibit this p.m. Miss Gantt told me I passed in Latin. Whoopee! Never expected to at all.
Jean, Ma, A. Liva and I went to “The Idle Hour.” Pretty good. Ate dill pickles. We went up to the court house and it looks very nice. Went over to Hoffman’s and read “Freckles”. Dandy book.
Went riding a little while and to S.S. and church. Jean wanted me to go to Junior League, but was too tired. Went over to H’s and finished “Freckles.” Carrie and I cut C.E. and enjoyed our selves eating out in the kitchen. Mr. Grafton at M.E. church N.G.
Am going to Hoffman’s and stay all night. Was home all alone all day. Everybody gone except grandma. Mamma Fox fell down and hurt herself quite bad. Jean was down for a while. Wonder how H.M.S. and H. G. are getting along. Hope Miss S. wears out the edge of her temper.
Went roller skating a little this a.m. Am going to Jeans for supper. We had lots of fun. But I don’t believe I like vacation. I am more tired than when I go to school, honestly I am all in.
Gee, but this is a lonesome town. Went up to Uncle Eric’s this morning. Annie got married to Ted after all. Gee what I suppose Ruth will be the next one.
*You use altogether too much slang. (Dean P.)
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