Thursday. April 1, 1909
Today was April Fools day and I never even tried to fool a person. And I didn’t get fooled either. Ruth came home this morning. Read “The Three Muskateers(sic)” am going home tomarrow(sic).
Mable Kenny came home with me. I have a Brownie camera now and have taken four pictures. Nothing much doing today. Came home to find no one home and all the doors locked, but luckily, I managed to crawl in thru a window.
Mable and I skated a lot today. Not much fun th’o, as I fell down twice and nearly cracked my head. Have been crazy ever since I guess. Mab is boy crazy. Oh jocks! Fade away.
Walked up from the depot with Hazel and Miss S. Helped her carry her suit case. Felt as th’o she had bricks in it. Miss Mc. didn’t come home. Jean, Miss G., Kit and I went riding. Perfect circus.
Back to school again. Got 84 in Latin, 57 in algebra, 80 in Phys. Geog. and 92 in English. Wonder when we get our report cards back. Soon, I hope. Got excused this p.m. Just for fun, you know.
Was out riding tonight. Miss Gantt, Jean and I, then Miss Mc. and I. Bless her heart. I love Miss Gantt the best th’o. Glory be. She certainly has nerve. Said Jean and I never had our Latin, our vocabularie(sic), or our translations. Makes me mad so it does.
Oh dear, I am so tired today. Didn’t go to school this p.m. Went over to Kits after my aster seeds. Am going to plant them soon.
Threw a piece of chalk and an eraser. Just then Prof. waltzed in and made me pick it up. What do you know about that? Then Milt hit me a whack. We got in a fight and Prof. saw us. Mad? Oh no – not a bit.
Got our cards back today. Latin 84, P.G. 80, English 87, Music 97, Algebra 81. Also 4 E’s in deportment. Only G and under Miss S. Makes me tired so it does. She gave Lucile E. Oh mercy. And her dear good little Lucile is such an angel too. Never does anything. Is always such a good girl. Oh yes of course I’ll faint next thing I know.
Was down to Jeans for supper. Then we took a little stroll. Some fun all right, all right.
Easter Sunday today. Went to church in the evening. There was a real pretty tableau. Miss G. was the only one I was interested in, though. Was up to Miss B. room today. We made candy and had a dandy good time. Blanche was not there. Guess she had hone home.
12 & 13
Nothing much going on today. Hated to go back to school again. According to Miss Gantt, Jean and I sound like a couple of parrots going along the street. I like that I must say. Also she begs me to forget she called me an awful girl, and a little sinner about fifty times in half an hour. I told her “maybe,” but I guess I won’t.
Jean stays for supper and all night tonight. We are going to roast marshmallows and have some fun.
Merciful heavens! I don’t call getting kicked out of bed much fun. Not on your tin type.
Miss Sweet made me stay. Old cow! Told her I guessed she didn’t want to help me very bad, also guessed her conscience didn’t hurt her very much. My heavens! Wonder what she thinks I am anyway.
Had a circus today. Test in P.F. easy. Worked in the lab tonight. Took Miss F. and Kit riding. Not much fun th’o. That crazy Jess, Miss S. and Blanche ran off with my horse. It wasn’t anything smart th’o. Miss Mc wouldn’t go riding with us th’o. Don’t know why.
Worked like a niggah(sic) all day long.
Blankety blank. Have left this so long I have forgotten so will have to let it go!
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