Monday, January 1, 2007

January 1909

Wednesday. January 1, 1909

Stayed all night with Erma. We certainly had a circus. Was over there until about noon, and we plaed(sic) “Sir WinHem” and etc. Was so warm out we played croquet. Jean was down this p.m. Went out walking.


Went up to dentist’s and course got half killed as a result, but, thank Heaven! I am all thru now. Jean and I rec’d cards from Miss Sweet, Hum. Dr. Phillips called up tonight and told us Irma had the smallpox. Glory be.


It certainly was a swell day out today. Jess and I walked all morning. We went way out to Bernard's. Jean and I walked all afternoon too. Did go to S.S. at the Methodist. So did Shook. Saw the whole gang this p.m.


Nothing much doing today in school and actually I didn’t have to stay. Wonder of wonders! Lucile Inah(sic), Cad and I cannot go to school anymore this week. We will have lots of fun.


Went over to see Erma and Cad today. Had to go up after my books this morning, and Prof. C. nearly bit my head off, the ornery old thing. Had to take my algebra over to “Sweet Marie’s” this eve.


I took my music lesson last night, and was over to Miss Sweet’s again tonight. I wonder what she thinks we are, giving us such long lessons, and Miss Gantt too. They both make me mad, sometimes, especially Sweet Marie.


I got “Bob Hampton of Placer” today. I hope it’s good. I am getting awfully tired of staying out of school. Wish I could go back. Went over to

see Erma again, and talked with her quite a while.


Took my Algebra over to Sweet’s. She said she would tell Gantt not to abuse Jean and I so much. I wish Miss Sweet would change my seat. Those boys make me disgusted. She said she would but I wish she would hurry.


Played croquet all morning with Florence. Erma is going to get out today. Was down to Eva’s this p.m. Dry old time. I will be glad when I can go to school Monday.


Awfully cold today, 18° below. I and the pup played out doors and froze. Didn’t go to church once today. Jess and Miss Vaughn were over to dinner today. Made fudges etc.


Back to school today, and nearly went straight up at the kids. I do hope old Sweet would change my seat. If she don’t, woe be on to her! I will just raise cain if she don’t.


Was out of school and in bed all day long. Read, “Dri and I” and finished “The Lions Shore”. Hope I can go to school tomarrow(sic). Took a spelling test in school tonight and got only 90.


Jean and I were over to Miss (erased and crossed out). Talk about nerve! Hum, I think she has her share. It’s all right for her. I didn’t take my lesson tonight. May said I got 98 in Music. Might have better.


Mrs. Tone came today. Sid had one of his spells today and tried to be cute, but it was “nothing smart at all.” Was down to see Anna May this noon. She said we were perfectly justified, etc. Guess I will tell Miss Gantt, and see what she will say. Get sore I suppose.


Mrs. T. went to sleep today at the programme(sic) today. I nearly died. Went to a supper at Fickey’s tonight and had lots of fun with Jean and Ilithe. Those kids certainly are limits. Was over at Blanches tonight.


Nell, Mama and I started for Uncle Eric’s this morning. Papa went to Sioux City to get some flowers. We didn’t get here until about three p.m. Was sick as a dog all day long.


Funeral this morning at the house at 12:00 at the church at 2:00. Miss James, we(sic), Prof. Magann etc. were all there. Babe is too cute for any use. “Tell that little baby to come down.”


Miss James stopped over this morning. Train didn’t get here until one so I didn’t go to school. We had a dandy bob ride to Hawarden. Was over to Miss Sweets to find my algebra lesson. Was scared to death.


Nearly died in school today when Miss G. slapped Ix S. Was over to see her tonight, helped her with the table, Ha! Ha! Certainly got lots of motherly advise(sic) from her, but she’s all right. I like her better every day. Was down to Jean’s this eve.


Took spelling and Music today. Got 92 in spelling. I know I will get an awful grade in Music. Had a good lesson tonight. Am glad I did or I might have been fired. May certainly is the limit. Jean and I fooled Red C. and Eva.


Had English this a.m. and algebra this p.m. Mad at Sid, ornery old thing unhitched my horse without my permission. Gee, but I dread Phys. Geog. Worked in the lab tonight. Miss G., B. and McOvera there. Pretty cool and chilly.


Took exams in Phys. Geog. and Latin. Jean went over Miss M’s tonight. I guess she enjoyed herself. Folks all went to P.E.O. banquet. Was home all alone. Bum old time. I enjoyed my stay in the parlor.


Horrid day out, foggy and rainy. Jean and I were up to the school house all p.m. Had lots of fun. Am going to stay all night with Jean tonight. She certainly gave me some great old news from Red.


Went to S.S. and C.E. Cold and damp today, but went for a little ride. Was over to Aunt Liva’s and who should come walzing(sic) in but the whole bunch. Gonie and I were scared to death over the dog. Ha! Ha! no more for me.


Was out of school today – fever, headache, etc. Certainly was a swell day th’o. Dread getting my exams back I know I will get some awful grades.


Exams. Algebra 95, Spelling 92, Latin 86, English 90. Not so bad as it might be. Was up to school tonight after my lessons. Took my music lesson tonight. We are to get our Phys. Geography exams back tomarrow(sic). Glory be! Hope I pass.


Back to school again today. Cad gave me hail columbia because I was in the back hall talking to Nell H. or rather, Crank H. She calls me grump. Hot old name.


Cad gave Jean and I another lecture cause I fell over Dorothy. Sent Jean to the office. Worked in the lab. It has turned awfully cold out, and talk about wind and snow too.


Talk about sow drifts! Walked all the way to school only to learn that there was to be no school. Miss M. asked me if I wanted to see her. I told her no and she froze me again.


Worked like a niggah(sic) all day long, and I’m most(sic) dead. Japanese social tonight. Blanche was here today. Gonie, Nell H, and Irene all sang Japanese love songs. Awful cute. Nell stayed all night and so of course chased me out of my bed.


Rather cold yet today. Jean and I went out walking; down to Stickney’s and back. She went to C.E. and church with me. Had quite a good time. Miss S. sat there gauking(sic) at the ceiling the whole time.

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